This was made as a kid, so it's weird at times.
Link has been sent by Zelda to go and explore other towns. As he reaches the town gates, a mask seller appears. Link looks at him curiously.
"Hello, you must be a traveler, I'm a merchant here, my name is Vinny"
"Are you here for the red moon festival?" Asked the merchant.
"...Festival?" Link question him.
"We hold a ceremony every year, each time with more people and more merchants" Exclaimed the merchant.
"I guess I'll stop by, I really came to-"
Link was cut off
"I have a task..I'll give you......670 rupees!" Said vinny.
"Depending on the task" Link said with a grin
"On my way here some type of demon child stole half my mask collection, now I have nothing to sell.."
Vinny had a sad like sobbing expression, except no tears or groans came out. The expression kind of scared Link.
"Kids? Wow, I can get them back easliy... "
Link said puffing his chest out and and acting all tough"
"Calm down Mr. "Hero" these aren't just Kids, they stole my masks, and ever heard the expression the power lies within?" Said vinny getting in link's face
"For my masks, it's literal" Exclaimed vinny with the creepy expression again.
"Give me....5 days to complete the task"
Said Link
"10" said vinny
"12" exclaimed link
"Good enough" said vinny
"I'll give you 12 days, if you bring it back on time, I will reward you with your rupees and another special prize"
Vinny smiles and then frowned
"But if you don't bring it back on our agreed time limit, I get whatever you have, including your soul"
"Ok!" Said link not heating the last part
"Good luck, you'll need it" said vinny walking away
All link could hear through the halls were
"My masks, my masks"
"The power, the power"
"If he doesn't bring back my masks, my masks"
"His soul will be a mask, a mask"(Shoudl I continue to chapter 2? Comment below)
fanbase legends of zelda
AdventureI was bored, and decided to put an old fan made story I made as a kid