Chapter 1: Bread & Butter

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"Salita, we have two customers at table four" my manager, Roan called out. "I got it" I shouted back. I have been working at the bakery for about 2 years now, it wasn't the greatest but nonetheless it was a job. I'm Salita Woods, 24 and I live in a 3 bedroom apartment, with my two best friends Mallory and Lisa. We all had full time jobs, but our friendship was consistent. Mallory and Lisa went to the same school as me, but we didn't become friends till senior year and since then they have stuck. All of us have stayed in Eureka Springs our whole lives, it was a small town in Arkansas and everyone knew everyone's business. Talk was all people ever did, hell they probably know that I haven't had a date in the past three years. Why? Because the single life was enough for me, even if I did get lonely here and there.  I blew out a breath and decided to head to table four.   "Hi welcome to Bettie's Bakery, what can I get started for you today?" I asked. There were two people who appeared to be a couple, but I wasn't for sure. A gorgeous redhead and across from her was a man with dark brown hair and green eyes. He looked up at me. God, he was hot. He had tattoos all over his body from what it looked like.

 "Excuse me, are you listening or just staring at my boyfriend?" the redhead asked me with a disgusted looked. It was like a staring contest between him and I.  My mouth was dry, I licked my lips nervously. "I'm sorry, what can I get for you?" I addressed the lady. "We will both start with waters and for dinner the house special soup and salad" she stated glaring. "Sure" I nodded. She was rude, it's not my fault her man was so attractive. "With bread and butter" the man added with a smirk. He had a deep accent, but I couldn't place from where. Oh, what I would give to be the butter on his bread right now. " No problem, I'll put that in for you" I walked away briskly to the kitchen. "Roan, order coming in" I put the slip on the line for the cooks. "Thanks, Sal" he nodded with approval. I filled up two waters and brought it back to the couple. The man was engulfed in his phone. 

"Here you are ma'am" I sat the waters down gently. The red haired beauty said nothing to me. I sighed and walked to the break room to relax. Checking my phone, I saw a few texts from Mallory. It was about her usual dating drama.  She always had someone on her arm. "You bitch" I heard a voice say. A smile formed on my face, it was Jimmy . He was my work best friend, who happened to be gay and always knew the gossip. "What did I do? " I laughed as he hugged me. " You know who is at table four right?"he put his apron in his locker. Jimmy was no where near a cook, he claimed the kitchen would get him too sweaty and he did not like to sweat. He was a waiter, and while he didn't do much at work, he was fun to be around. 

"No, I have no idea who that was" I thought quietly wondering who it could have been.  A celebrity? "That was the Smirnov's, they're from Russia" he smiled. "Wait, the ones who moved into the Springs Mansion?" I asked. "Duh" Jimmy rolled his dark brown eyes at me. "The one at the table is Alexander, and I think that's his girlfriend" he continued. "So why would they want to move here?" I asked Jimmy. " I don't know, everyone here is pretty sure their a mafia family, they probably left Russia because of illegal shit" he whispered. Now I was the one rolling my eyes. "I don't believe that" I laughed. "You'll see" he reassured me. He loved to be right. "Well I better go check on the order, if he is a mafia king I don't want to keep him waiting" I bowed towards Jimmy. "I would love for him to put me in that position" he cracked up. I stood upright. "Gross" I laughed and walked towards the kitchen.  "Salita, right on time" Roan handed me the tray of hot soup and salad.  "Thanks, Roan" I grabbed the food, the couple was the last table of the night. I was ready to be home. 

Walking out of the kitchen, I saw the woman was now sitting on the same side as the so called mafia king. She had her arms around his torso, anyone could see by the way he looked at her he was in love. I couldn't help but stare, wishing someone would look at me like that. He kissed her softly. Their behavior was  a little extra, especially to be in a restaurant. "Stop staring and serve your king" Jimmy said behind me. We both giggled, gaining attention from their flirting. "Yes, sir" I laughed and walked towards them. Seeing the smile on my face the woman looked down at me. What was her problem? "Here you are" I said forcing my friendliness.  A tip from them would be nice, but I doubt she would. "Is something funny?" she asked me. I was thrown off, who was this bitch and what did she have against me. My face turned red. "No miss, we weren't laughing at you" I stammered out. 

"We'll take the check, and to go boxes" Alexander said firmly. "Are you sure? I-" I couldn't finish a word before he interrupted. "Positive" he deadpanned. My face grew hot, I knew Roan would be pissed. "Well I'm sorry, I'll go get the check and boxes" I turned and walked away.  "Cyka" I heard the redhead say. She laughed sadistically. Whatever she just called me, I'm positive it wasn't nice.  "What do you mean, they aren't dining in?" Roan yelled as soon as I was in the kitchen explaining what happened. I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea. "Fucking Russians" he muttered slamming down the to go boxes. I'm pretty sure they wanted to leave because of me, not to sound self centered.  I walked back towards the table, but they had already left, the food was still there and a hundred dollar bill was set on the table. I huffed and started clearing the table. Something told me it wouldn't be the last time I saw Alexander.

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