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You're currently sitting in the middle of a huge island with a bikini on.

"Life is so unfair.. why must it be like this?"

You say to yourself while you drop down at a pile of sand. You then got up and started searching for stuff to do

"Hmmm.. maybe I should build a little hut first.. yeah sure I'll do that!"

You then walked over to some trees and started getting branches, you pick one up and another one and another one and more until your hands were full, so you walk back to where you were and drop down the branches you put.

"Let's start!" You say to yourself

time skip~

You are now all sweaty and tired, you look at your cute little hut and smile you look up to the sky and saw that it was getting a little dark. So you ran to a tree and got a big piece of leaf, you gently put it on your little hut and lie down in it. Your closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Time skip

You now woke up and stretched. You sat down and looked at your surroundings

"Man I'm hungry.."

You say to yourself, so you got up and started looking for food, you ran and you ran until you found a banana tree.


You jumped up and tried to grab the bananas but... You failed...


You scream outloud, then you looked at your surroundings trying to figure out what to do, you look to your left and there's nothing, you look to your right and you saw a small little log. Then an idea popped in your head

"I could probably use that little log to boost myself up there"

So you walked over to where the log is and pulled it with all your strength, you pulled and pulled until you were finally at the tree. You stood on the log and grabbed the bananas, when you grabbed you smiled with pure happiness in your face


You went back on the ground and ran to where your little hut is and quickly sat down, you grab a banana and started peeling it, then you ate it

"Mmm this is pretty good.."

You said to yourself, then you finished eating the bananas and you threw the bananas somewhere, after these you lay down on the floor and think about what should you do to pass this time

"Hmmm... Maybe I can build a fire.. nah I'll do that later.. oh! Maybe I can swim! Nah.. I'll do that later.. hmmm what can I do..... There literally nothing I can do.. how long am I supposed to stay here..? am I going to live here? Hopefully not.. I hope someone can get me soon.. I hope Kusou-kun can find me with his powers.. hopefully.."

You then sighed and closed your eyes taking a little nap










You wake up in another dark room. Everything was black, there you saw that same figure again.. but he was glowing white,

"(Y/N) do you still remember me?... You took everything away from me..!! IM THE ONE WHO DID ALL OF THIS! HAHAH"

Then that figure suddenly just transformed into a child, that child looked so familiar she looked like a beautiful child, she was glowing, she had Beautiful eyes, perfect smile and blue hair.

"Wait blue hair, perfect face.. OH MY GOD, ITS TE-"

Then you woke up, you were sweating breathing heavily and wide awake

"Wha.. no.. that was only a dream.."

You then sat down and went out you hut and saw that it was still dark, you thought that is was probably still midnight

"I have nothing to do.."

You say to yourself, then you felt a rush of cold wind go by your body and you start freezing, you put your hands over you body and started shivering

"Shoot it's so cold here..."

You say to yourself, so you thought of something that was perfect!

"I know! I'll go make a fire!'

So you stood up and started running towards the trees and grabbing branches. You grabbed a lot of branches and went back to your spot.

You threw them on the ground because they were all way to heavy, you grab two of the branches and started making a fire

"Hopefully this works!"

A few minutes later~

You are still currently making the fire, you had sweat in your face and really tired hands, your hands felt like it was going to collapse any second, until you saw a little spark of fire, your eyes shine as soon as you saw that little spark so you do it faster, and then BOOM! There was fire, you put your hands down and fell out the ground

"Phew! That was alot of work"

You say to yourself, then you just layed down and looked at the amazing stars, you looked at it peacefully until your eye vision started getting blurry and soon after that you fell asleep.

847 words~

(btw an author's note doesn't count in the word count)

"Why Dont You Love Me..?" Saiki Kusou x Reader (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now