Jumped (part 5)

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You wake up In Dom's arms already feeling wayyy better than you did yesterday

You got up trying to not wake up Dom and went to take a shower, you changed into extra clothes you had and layed back in bed with Dom

He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, you fell asleep again

3 hours later

You woke up in the bed but Dom wasn't with you

You smelled Pancakes and rushed down the stairs to see Dom making them

Dom didn't notice you where their so you stood behind him and kissed his neck

He moaned and turned his head to face you, you smiled evilly and he smiled with his innocent smile he always wears on his face, you laughed

Dom: "good morning my sleepy baby"

"Good morning my handsome cinnamon role"

He smirked, and you laughed

He finished making the pancakes and sat down with them on a plate, you sat down with him and ate a couple

But in the middle of eating Dom gets a text from Rob saying that he's pulling up to his crib because he and his friends Quincy, and Christian beat up his little brother Carlos

His eyes went wide and he immediately texted Quincy and Christian what was happening and they said they're on their way

You made a confused look on your face

Dom: "y/n Rob just texted me saying he's pulling up to the crib, I just texted Quincy and Christian who said they're on the way to help Incase I get jumped"

You nodded

Dom:"I don't want you to get hurt so when they get here than just record please"

"Ok Dom, I'll just record please don't get hurt"

Dom: "I'll try not to"

You smiled at him and he smiled back

Quincy and Christian came nocking on the front door and Dom and you went over to open it

They walked inside

Dom: "thank goodness you're hear, I only know about Rob and McKi (idk how to spell it)

Quincy/Christian: "Don't worry dog we got your back"

Dom: "thanks boys"

Quincy/Christian: "no problem bro"

Everybody walked outside, and Dom gave you his camera for you to record with

Then Carlos and his brothers homies pulled up in a car and got out, their must have been like 6 people

Carlos was the first to walk over to Dom and push him

Then Quincy and Christian jumped in pushing the guys off of Dom because they where all pushing him around

You just stood on the patio watching this all happen while recording it

Then all of the sudden Dom ran away with the guys who where pushing him chasing him to a different area

You ran after them with the camera and saw Dom on the ground covering his face while the guys where kicking him in his chest, legs and back, even some punches where throw

We Met At The Bus Stop  ✔️ - Dom Tracy x female reader - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now