Chapter 2 - The Attic

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( Tayla's POV )
I walked through the door of my new home to find people awaiting my arrival.
My new "parents."
My Foster Parents.
Not my parents.
Not any relatives.
Foster parents.
The thought both disgusted me and troubled me at the same time.
These were the people I would be spending every day with form now on.
Until they go sick of me or something.
"Hi, uh my names Johanna Bardsley and I'm your foster mum !"
She ran up to me and gave me the tightest hug of my life.
I have to admit it feels good to be loved again, wanted.
" and I guess I'm you new foster dad, I'm Ryan Bradsley nice to meet you kid."
".... Hi" I managed to shutter
"Here darling I'll show you to your new room." Examined my overly eager foster mum
We walked up 2 flights of stairs to finally reach a big black door with mysteriously intricate engravings on the panels.
"And here we are."
I stepped forward and pushed the door handle down.
I have to admit, the room was beautiful.
It was dressed out all for me, even the cupboard had all my old clothes in it and my sheets were the same as they were at my old house.
I pondered for a moment how they had gotten a hold of that stuff.
" Wow, how did you uh get this stuff ..."
"Well" explained my foster mum " We asked the foster care agency if we could take this stuff from your old home you know to make you feel more at home here. "
" Really ? thank you. "
"Now darling would you like a house tour."
From the outside this house looked massive.
About twice the size of my old house.
So I was probably going to need a tour.
"Yes please."
And that's the place
"Thanks Johanna."
"Please call me Jo."
"Thanks Jo."
"Okay so I'll just leave you to it then but dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes so be down soon okay."
"Okay see you then."
As Jo walked off downstairs to where the kitchen was I noticed a ladder in the corner of the hallway hidden where not body could see it.
"Hey Jo" I near shouted "What is this ladder over here."
"Oh the one in the corner, that just leads to the attic. You can go up if you like."
"Okay thanks."
Well all I can say is my curiosity got the better of me and I headed up the ladder.
At the top was a dark, bleak room. With only a few boxes located in one corner.
I pulled myself up the ladder and my feet landed on the floor with a bang, dust feel from the ceiling.
I suppose no one had been up here for a long long time.
It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a century.
I decided to head over to where the boxes were.
There were only a few and most were labeled CHRISTMAS, but there was one that caught me eye.
The label on it read, OTHER in big black letters.
I know I shouldn't have, and definitely not on my first day at this new place.
But I couldn't help myself.
I moved the other boxes to get to the box labeled OTHER.
And finally, I reached it.
I removed the spider web of tape and inside.
Lay nothing.
A board.
A Ouija board.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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