Chapter 1: Teenage Dream

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The Untitled Klaine Project
AUTHORS NOTE, PLEASE READ: Hey guys! This is the first Klaine fanfic that I have wrote. I have wrote for other shows like Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries but this one is a little different because of all the different musical numbers. So please do not be mad when it takes a bit longer then usual to post chapters. A little bit of a backstory before you read: at this point, yes Kurt is being bullied by Karafsky and I know that I took pretty much direct dialogue from 2x06 in this chapter and I wasn't sure how to start it, so bear with me. I might change the beginning if I get a good idea or someone gives me a good one so I'll keep you posted. I'll stop rambling and let you get to the book
much love, Kaley :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any characters....sadly.
Chapter 1 -Kurt

Starting this morning of the way it did, I knew that it was going to be a good day. It all started this morning when Mr Shue walled into the choir room. As soon as he walked into Glee today, he announced that we would be doing girls vs boys. Everyone in the room started to get excited. I was not one of those people. He would stick me with the boys and I will have to preform some stupid heavy rock song. "But" he said "girls will do songs typically sung by guys and guys will do songs typically sung by girls."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled. This was gunna be good. He split us up into our groups to choose our song choices. I stood up from my chair and walked over to the group of semi-pissed off guys in the corner of the room.

"Okay boys." I said as I pulled up a chair and sat down. "I have the perfect song we can do for the competition. Wait for it.... *Don't Rain On My Parade from one of the greatest off Broadway musicals Funny Girl!" While the smile was still on my face, the boys looked unamused by any of it.

"Look, if we really want to get ahead of the other teams for nationals, why don't you go spy on that Dalton Academy in Westerville. We'll figure out the rest." Puck said rolling his eyes.

I took that idea into consideration. A little spying wouldn't do us any harm. And thats what I told myself as I pulled in the parking lot of Dalton. At first, I had to check my directions again to make sure I was in the correct place. The building in front of me did not look like a school. Everything looked so elegant and pristine as I walked through the doors. There were chandlers hanging from the ceiling and hundreds of boys flooding the halls. They all wore red and navy blue blazers and I suddenly stuck out like a sore thumb. Following the flow of kids going down the staircase, I tried to get the attention of the first person in front of me.

"Oh. Excuse me?" I asked. He turned around to face be from the bottom of the stairs. "Um hi. Can I ask you a question? I'm new here."

The boy had dark brown hair gelled back and hazel eye. He looked up at me and smiled."My names Blaine." He held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Kurt." I said my mind going blank for a brief moment. "So what exactly is going on?"

"The Warblers!" He said with lots of enthusiasm. "Every now and then they like to throw impromptu performances in the senior commons," he leaned in a little closer "it tends to shut the school down for a while."

"So wait...the Glee club is kinda cool here?" I asked.

"The Warblers are like rockstars!" he said smiling. "C'mon, I know a shortcut." he said taking my hand and dragging me down the staircase. Before I even registered what was happening, I was running, well more like dragged, down the hallway holding someone's hand I only met a minute ago. All I had was his name. Blaine. But thats the only thing that processed as we made it to the front of the choir room doors. Kids flooded into the room and we made our way inside of the room. The room itself looked a little bit like a small personal library with very expensive furniture.

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