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I was so existed my costume made me look hot and I was ready to go when I got there Dylan was sitting by himself on a bench while everyone else was having fun inside I had a fake cigaret in my hand just like the movie and I stood in front of him threw it on the floor stepped on it and said hey stud and left but before I did I looked back and winked his mouth was wide open I'm just doing this to make him jelous when I walked in the boys at the door were shocked cause I never dressed like this but then I saw Linsey and I looked hotter then her I went were katie was and we started dancing when I felt arms wrap around my waist and I saw Dylan crying I felt really bad so I took his hand and walked outside were it was pretty quite but not that much the only thing I said was EXPLAIn.
Okay so I was on my way to the bathroom when I saw Linsey I kept walked but she grabbed me and started kissing I tried to get away but then I saw me and I didn't have a chance to explain I'm so SORRY.
I didn't know if I could believe him I guess I could do the only thing I said was I forgive you and then he grabbed me so fast that I didn't have a chance to react and he kissed me it was so passionate that I felt so happy when he pulled away he said I love you angel and I love u dylan .


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