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She can tell she's alive even though everything feels wrong almost immediately. It's warm and it's dark and it's quiet. Until it isn't. It's cold and there's sound again but she still doesn't feel right. Her thoughts are muggy and slow, her body isn't responding right and she thinks she's being manhandled.  It's chaos and- and someone just touched her butt?

Cries. Laura starts crying even though she's not terribly sad. She cries herself to sleep.


The next time she wakes she's smart enough to try opening her eyes. They open. She can't see.

Well, that's not entirely accurate, she's just being dramatic like always. It's not that bad. She can see colours fine. Her eyes are having trouble focusing and it's stressful because why can't she see? and for some reason that's enough to make her fall into tears. And then she's moving and she hears something and she just wants to stop crying but she can't for some god awful reason and-

Laura cries herself to sleep.


She wakes up but doesn't open her eyes. It's quite, the perfect time to think. Because- who is she? Her name. Her name. She knows she knows it, not even she can be that dumb. Her name, it's... not Laura. She goes by Laura because she hates Laurelle. Yeah, that's her name.

More importantly: death. Her death. She distinctly remembers it. She doesn't think it's possible to forget. It wasn't raining or even cloudy. Laura walked waist deep into the water. Water lapped at her elbows. Water brushed her chin. She was submerged. Laura breathed out, and then in.

She's snaps out of the memory when she hears crying. Her crying. Laura's always been a baby but this is ridiculous.

It clicks.

Someone picks up Laura's body that's not hers and rocks her before giving her what she hopes is a bottle. She is not in the mood to suck on a strangers nipple but her body that shouldn't be hers but is has baby instincts and she sucks regardless if that's what she wants because that's what babies do.


She doesn't want this.

Laurelle decided a while ago that life wasn't what she wanted.

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