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July 30, 1997

Lily Potter woke slowly to a new day, sunlight pouring through her bedroom window. It warmed her skin, yet failure felt near. Today was pivotal; she would present her report to the Ministry's top officials, a culmination of years of study as an Auror, an ambition she had nurtured since childhood.

With a weary sigh, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, allowing the coolness of the wooden floorboards to invigorate her. A tangle of nerves fluttered in her stomach, each question more daunting than the last: Would they see her worth? Would they finally recognise the significance of her findings, or would her age render her invisible? The chambers of her mind brimmed with self-doubt, reminders of those watching her closely—ones who had always offered their unyielding support, but also scrutinised her every move.

Her attention drifted to the intricately decorated walls of her room, each framed photo a cherished memory. Lily's cracked lips curled into a faint smile at the sight of James, his mischievous grin captured forever in time. His eyes sparkled with a life she could almost touch, a reminder of happier days when a future with him had seemed endless. Their friends surrounded her in those snippets of history, Aurors like herself, each representing loyalty and unspoken bonds that could transcend any burden.

"Look at you, Lily," she whispered under her breath, urging herself to adopt James's boundless spirit. But the truth lingered heavily, an unshakeable reality contrasting sharply with the whimsical memories. The clock blinked zero-five-fifty, reminding her that time was running out. Could she really do this?

Lily pressed her fingers against the sun-kissed window panes, the city below teeming with life—vibrancy she lacked in her own heart. Fifteen years had come and gone since that night, marked by loss and grief following Voldemort's wrath. The echoes of his actions haunted her, a constant reminder of her beloved's absence. Each heartbeat felt like a betrayal to the life they could have shared, her son now a testament to what had been taken from them. She could still feel the warmth of James's embrace and hear the laughter that had once filled their home.

"Forget," Lily murmured to herself, attempting to shake free of the spectres of sorrow, but forgetting was elusive. It felt like stumbling through a fog—temporary relief fading against the onslaught of memories. Time hadn't healed the wound; it merely wrapped it tighter. She allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, surrendering to the complicated tapestry of grief that intertwined with her identity. It was okay to carry the weight of her sorrow, she reasoned, as she turned from the window.

Her heart ached for James, for truths left unspoken. She had readily dismissed conversations about their loss with her son, yet tethered by unasked questions that loomed larger than their shared grief. Perhaps today was not just about her report, but an opportunity for something deeper, to bridge the silence that had stretched longer than their loss itself.

As she freshened up, her mind spiralled back to the ministry meeting, fateful words of wisdom from Arthur Weasley echoing in her ears. "Trust in your knowledge, Lily. It's why you're here." She nodded to herself in the mirror, her reflection gaining resolve. If she could voice her findings, if she could speak importance into existence, perhaps she could also weave honesty into her relationship with her son.

Harry Potter lay in his bed, cocooned in blankets, his eyes wide open as he stared blankly at the moonlight filtering through the window. It danced across the walls like a shimmering ghost, a gentle contrast to the restless turmoil rumbling in his heart. He couldn't shake off the conversation he'd had with his mother, Lily, earlier that evening. The streetlamps outside had flickered, just like the moments of doubt that settled on his mind.

"Gone too soon," she had said, her voice steady as she maintained that practiced smile. But Harry had seen it—the flicker of pain behind her laughter, the shadows that curled around her eyes whenever she thought he wasn't looking. He rolled onto his side, clutching his pillow as if it could somehow absorb the thoughts that whirled through his mind like leaves in a storm.

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