Chapter Five:

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[Juniper's POV:]

  I had been here for a month now. Cason, Vivi, Damon, and I had all became close, Damon had yet to say a word. Jax still messed with me but not as much as he did the first few days.

  I had learned that Vivi had been born in Canada but her and her dad became U.S. citizens a year before her dad married Cason's mom. And I had yet to learn more about Damon.

  Vivi and my brother had started talking and had even gone on a few dates which made things a little awkward when she talked about how he would kiss her and do other things. I would find myself cringing and plugging my ears as she told me these things. I just couldn't believe that my older brother was sexually active with one of my best friends!
  It was nearing Halloween which meant that it was time to break out the scary decorations and candy bowls.

  Vivi's hair had recently been dyed a lilac color and Cason had grown out some facial hair. And Damon was still the same. I had recently changed up my style a little bit by straightening my curly red locks.


  "So what are you going to be for Halloween?" Vivi asked excitedly. "Nothing really, I'll probably stay home and binge watch some netflix." I reply causing her to stop what she was doing and shake her head.

  "You've got to be kidding me, you will dress up, I'll make sure of it." She say making me laugh. "Sure you will." I reply as I twirl a strand of my now straight red hair.

  "Oh I got it you can be batgirl!" She exclaims causing Cason to laugh. "Vivi, you might as well give up, I really doubt she's gonna let you dress her up." He says taking my side.

  I look over at Damon who is picking at his food and ignoring everything around him. "What about you Damon, are you dressing up?" I ask as he shakes his head and stands up to throw his tray away only to run into Jax causing him to spill his food and drink all over his own shirt.

  "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING FREAK!" Jax yells shoving Damon back into the lunch table still holding onto Damon's shirt collar causing the entire lunchroom to go silent.

  "Leave him alone Jax, it was an accident!" Cason says causing Jax to glare at him. "And why don't you shut up!" Jax exclaims back at him causing Cason to stand up.

  "SIT BACK DOWN WITTMORRE!" Jax exclaims. "Then let go of his collar." Cason says looking him directly in the eyes.

  "I thought I told you to SHUT UP!" Jax yells punching Damon in the gut. "HEY STOP IT!!!" I exclaim suddenly standing up and rushing over to help Damon up off the ground as Cason holds Jax back.

  "Damon are you okay?" I ask. His eyes were closed and his fists were clenched. When he hears me he opens his eyes and gives me a nod before allowing me to help him up.

  Just as I help him to his feet the principal and two school cops come walking up. Oh so now you want to come over. Damon is holding his gut avoiding Jax's glares.

  I decide to go to the library so Damon can relax. I throw away his tray that was all over the floor while the janitor took care of the other stuff. When I walk into the library I see Damon with his head down, his bag sitting beside the chair he sat in. His left leg bouncing in what I assumed frustration.

  "Hey." I say as I sit down across from him at the table. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  All he does is answer me the same way he did in the lunchroom. I let out a sigh as he lifts his head and looks me in the eyes. I notice his mouth move as him he were going to say something but nothing does. He just grabs his bag and tosses it over his shoulder before leaving me sitting in the library alone.


  Damon wasn't in class, I sat there glancing at the door hoping for him to come walking through but he never did. By the time class was over I had given up seeing him for the day and decided to leave.

  When I got home Alex wasn't there and neither was mom so I was by myself. It had been this way lately. Mom going off to do God knows what and Alex spending time with Vivi. I head upstairs to my room and gather some clothes before walking into my bathroom and stripping down and running a hot shower.

  I step in and allow the hot water to run down my body. I close my eyes and let out a deep breath as the water runs over my face.

[11 Years Ago:] flashback...

  "Mamma, who was that guy? He said he was my daddy." I said pulling on my mom's shirt while she sat on the park bench reading her book.

  "Who said that sweetheart?" She replies placing her book down and pulling me into her lap.

  "That guy with hair like mine over there!" I say pointing to the man I was talking about. He was tall, had red hair and green eyes like me, he had red facial hair and he looked sad when he was me talking to my mom.

  "I'll be right back sweetheart, you saty here okay." Mom says placing me on the bench while she walks over to the man. I can tell that she is yelling at him and I can also tell that because of this he's hurt. The man looks over in my direction and gives me a sad smile, tears glistening in his sad green eyes.

  He gives me one last look as mom makes her way back over to me before he walks out of sight.

  "Mamma, who was that?" I ask as she places me back in her lap and stokes my curly red hair. "Nobody important sweetheart, dont worry about it." She replies.

  "But he said he was my daddy." I say turning to look at her blue eyes. "Sweetheart your daddy's at the house, that man was not your dad."

End of flashback....


  I get dressed and let Butch inside before I plop down on my bed and open my laptop and open netflix.

  After about two hours I hear the front door open which causes me to pause the movie and head downstairs to see dad walk in with his stuff and sit down in his chair rubbing his tired eyes.

  "Hey dad." I say heading down the stairs as he took off his shoes. He looks up and smiles when he sees me. "Hey sweetheart, how was school?" He asks as i sit down on the couch.

  "Well um, it was actually a strange day. It started out great but it ended on a bad note. My friend Damon got punched by this jerk of a guy named Jax after Damon accidentally ran into him spilling the remains of his lunch on his shirt. I came home and nobody was home once again, but I'm glad I got to talk to you dad." I say causing him to smile.

  "Its great talking to you too sweetheart." He says as the front door opens and mom comes walking in with a bunch of shopping bags.

  "Oh Jackson, your home, how was work?" She questions as she sits the bags on the kitchen island. "It was work...did you buy enough?" He says running his hand through his graying black hair.

  "I'm going to get dinner ready." She says ignoring dads last question and ignoring my presence all together.

  "I'm uh, I'm gonna head to my room. Love you dad." I say heading back upstairs.  "Love you too sweetheart." He replies as I top the stairs and head to my room.

  I sit on the foot of my bed, legs crossed, Butch lying beside me. "What's going in buddy?"


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