Darkseid Falls

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Metropolis Park

2:15 am

Aquaman swam up and slowly stuck his head out while his eyes saw the effect of Darkseid's attack everything around the park was on fire, Concrete walkways were completely destroyed, Tree's, Flowers & Grass burned as smoke formed from the fire's "What the hell kind of attack was that" his palms reached out onto the surface as he then pulled himself out of the lake & went onto his knee's, The King stood to his feet and walked slowly through the now burning park "Where are you" Arthur whispered he lifted his hands, Clenching his fists he carried on walking "Hiding is futile you son of a bitch" "I'm not hiding" said Darkseid.

Aquaman at that moment realized that Darkseid had been floating behind him from a distance the whole time "MOTHERFUCKER!" he turned around as Darkseid left hand enclosed around his throat and proceeded to choke him, Uxas lifted the king off his feet and launched brutal right punches into Aquaman's stomach with the King coughing up blood from the force of the hits, Aquaman retaliated by landing kicks into Darkseid's torso, One of his right kicks landed onto the Apokoliptians belt by doing that a boomtube activated behind Darkseid who was now being sucked in "NO!" Darkseid shouted, He let go of Aquaman while his right hand was now heading downwards to click the button in the middle of his belt so he could deactivate the boomtube.

At that moment Wonder Woman & Superman flew at him with the duo now punching him in the face together "Target his torso while I smash his face in" said Superman "Got it" Wonder Woman replied.

Floating downwards she used both her swords to repeatedly stab the Apokoliptian in the torso, Aquaman jumped onto Darkseid and took over from where Wonder Woman left off by helping Superman in punching their opponent in the face.

The three worked together in weakening Darkseid who was now being forced into the boomtube but the lord of Apokolips was not one to back down he launched a right punch which collided with Aquaman who was sent crashing away again at great velocity, Wonder Woman stopped stabbing him and switched her attack by floating onto her back and launching multiple kicks into his now wounded torso.

Superman threw a right uppercut which knocked Darkseid's head backwards "WONDER WOMAN BACK AWAY THIS INSTANCE, I AM GOING TO END THIS!" she flew backwards slightly while Superman pulled his fist back and launched a right punch that landed directly into Darkseid's face who was now forced into the boomtube completely "IF I AM TO FAIL, YOU ARE COMING WITH ME KRYPTONIAN!" his left hand quickly reached out and pulled Superman through with him, Diana reacted quickly and wrapped her arms around Kal's ankle which pulled her in with them as the boomtube closed.

Aquaman looked on in shock & horror "SHIT!"


Healing Isle

Hippolyta opened her eyes gently and saw the familiar ceiling of the healing isle "I'm alive" she spoke "My Queen you're awake and yes you lived thanks to the combined efforts of Athena and me" Epione replied "Diana where is she, Is she alive?" Hippolyta asked "Yes she's alive, Me and her doubled teamed Steppenwolf and killed him she has now returned to man's world to help her friends take down Darkseid, Even though we won one of his soldiers got the motherbox back for him" said Artemis who was in the bed next to Hippolyta's and was currently bandaging her left arm "Let's just hope Diana and her friends win" said Hippolyta, At that moment they could hear Phillipus shouting in a panicked tone, The three of them went to the balcony to see what was going on "Oh no an Apokoliptian portal" said Hippolyta.


The Amazons had finished gathering their dead and had nearly finished with the clean up when a boomtube formed high above the island "AMAZONS DRAW YOUR WEAPONS NOW, THEY HAVE RETURNED TO DESTROY US!" Phillipus shouted, The Amazons lifted their weapons and readied themselves for battle they then heard three screams of rage echoing from the boomtube but it was what happened next that was a truly incredible sight.

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