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Where do you go when you sleep?

''So, how was your day Jimin?'' Jin asked the youngest as the three of them sat in Jimin's apartment, where they slept last night. 

''It was... interesting I guess,'' Jimin answered as he chewed on his chewing gum.

''Did something or someone happened Jimin-ssi?'' The music teacher now asked concerned. 

''Well, I got this student Jeon Jungkook and he really is... something else...'' The youngest replied while he just looked at some point in the room. 

''Jimin-ah,'' Jin began as he sat next to Jimin. ''Yoongi and I both know something is up with you, it's alright if you don't want to say what. You're an adult after all, just know that you can always talk to your Hyungs.'' He said as he rested his arm on Jimin's shoulder.

''Thanks Hyung.'' Jimin smiled as he looked at Jin. If only they knew what Jungkook did to him, because why did he kinda liked the idea?

''Anyway, Yoongs how was your day?'' The eldest asked. 

''One, stop calling me Yoongs and secondly it was okay. I got this student Jung Hoseok who is something else, he knows how to use his mouth way too well.'' He grinned as he thought back at the close moment they had. 

''Jung Hoseok...'' Jimin mumbled. ''Isn't he close with Jeon Jungkook?'' He then asked Yoongi. 

''If I'm right, yes. But Jungkook was chill in my eyes I didn't have problems with him.'' Yoongi replied. 

''Well, I got no problems with Hoseok, he was chill.'' Jimin chuckled. ''Anyway Jin-Hyung how was yours?'' He then asked.

''Well, I got one student, Kim Namjoon who I already like the most. I know I can't have favorites but what can I say? He laughs because of my jokes and he called me handsome. I can't help but really like him.'' The eldest said full of excitement. 

''Isn't it weird that a student calls you handsome though?'' The youngest asked.

''You're just jealous no one called you handsome today.'' Jin shot towards him. 

''I don't need anyone to tell me I'm handsome.'' Jimin chuckled. ''Anyway, are we all gonna sleep in our own apartment tonight?'' He then said. 

''Yeah, I think so,'' Jin said. ''But be ready at 7:30, if you're not by the car I'm going without you.'' He said dead seriously. 

''The worst part is that he serious.'' Jimin sighed. 


''WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT!'' A frustrated 17-year-old boy yelled into his pillow. 

''Jungkook we'd love to help you but as long as you keep screaming in your pillow we can't do anything,'' Namjoon said calmly.

''You guys are gonna hate me.'' The youngest mumbled as he turned around in his bed. 

''I'm pretty sure that whatever you do we just can't hate you,'' Hoseok said softly. 

''I basically said towards Mr. Park that I want to have sex with him as long as he gives me a higher grade.'' The youngest mumbled quietly.

''Damn you went far, boy.'' Namjoon chuckled.

''HYUNG! This isn't funny!'' Jungkook yelled.

''What did he say though?" Hoseok asked the youngest of them.

''He said no a few times and then just said I was dismissed, nothing more.'' The youngest sighed.

''You're lucky, many other teachers would have reported you,'' Namjoon said chuckling. 

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