Not the best of ideas

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Damian then raised his own hand.
'Yes, Damian?' Wes pointed his gavel towards him.
'Kurt, you made an excellent argument however you're ignoring the only reason why we shouldn't do this.'
The council perked up at Damian's words and Kurt replied,
'I know. I hoped maybe you'd cover that part for me. I was only telling them how performing in public would actually come more to their benefit than their dismay.' To which Damian smiled and then turned towards the other warblers.
'You see,Blaine, the problem is not performing in public. The problem is the guy you're serenading.'
Blaine frowned at this.
'Why? What's wrong with him?'
Damian looked at him flabbergasted.
'He is 6 years older than you!'
'So what? Love is love. Something you'd be too uptight to understand.' Blaine said smugly.
Trent shot Blaine his best bitch face,
'Oh, no he didn't.'
Damian raised his eyebrow. Blaine continued,'You've always been jealous of every little bit of success I've ever had. And now you're trying to sabotage my love life too?'
The Warblers all looked between the two. Wes had his face in his hands murmuring something that suspiciously sounded like, 'here we go'
'Jealous?' Damian spat as though the very word had offended his great ancestors.
'I'm trying to save you the heartbreak here, Blaine. That guy is bad news!'
'What the hell do you know?'
'I went to the mall with Kurt, Jon, Jeff, Nick and Rock. And I saw Jeremiah with-'
'Alright enough. I don't wanna hear it.'
Blaine said and then turned towards the council,
'Please. Can't you help a friend out? And like Kurt said, it could benefit the Warblers!'
Apprehensive, Wes looked towards Damian who had a worried look on his face. He then looked towards Kurt, whom he knew used to have irrevocable feelings for Blaine, who in turn looked at him with a sad encouraging smile.
'Alright, then its settled. The Warblers will be performing a serenade alongside Warbler Blaine at the GAP.'
Wes felt a wave of nausea and anger course through his veins. He took the finalisation and dismissal of the meeting as an excuse to bang his gavel harder than was necessary.
Kurt sat outside on a bench with a couple of other Warblers. Damian was still inside buying Blaine an ice cream as a way of comfort. He knows saying his typical 'I told you so' would be too much for someone who just got rejected. Even though Blaine was not exactly fond of Damian, he appreciated the small gesture.
Jeff and Nick sat on either side of Kurt as the latter snuggled in between the two. The cold was really just the huge cherry on top to his wonderful day. It all just felt like a slap to the face. First the whole 'don't try so hard' lecture, then the Animal Fiasco and now this.
Could his life get any more disappointing?
'Cmon, Kurt. I know you're gonna tell me to go die in a ditch for saying this,but I think it's about time you got over Blaine. Haven't you suffered enough?' Jeff said.
'No idea what you're talking about.' Kurt mumbled.
'Oh please. Allow me to list it out for you.' Nick said with a bit more drama than necessary. The others looked quizzically at the brunette.
'You've been bullied relentlessly. Thrown into dumpsters, slammed into lockers, had slushies thrown in your face, called derogatory names and yet you endured it. Your dad had a heart attack a few months ago and yet you endured it. You also had to plan your dad's wedding all on your own whilst still dealing with school and applying to Dalton and yet you endured it. You have to drive 2 hours from Westerville to Lima and back just to see your newly found family whom you only get to meet every few weekends and yet you endured it. All the while studying like a dog to keep your 4.0 GPA and giving your fair share of involvement in not only the Warblers, but the Nightingales too. And now Blaine. Do you realise that you've been chasing him since day 1 and he has not been the most supportive companion. The audition for the solo, the whole Animal fiasco and what went down with your dad and now this?' Nick finished and everybody stared at Kurt wide-eyed who looked damn near tears.
'My God...' Jon muttered as his face contorted into a disgusted look.
'Nick's right. It's about time you stopped putting up with all this crap. Especially Blaine. You've been beaten down for far too long.' Rock said turning around and spotting Blaine and Damian walking back.
Wes stepped forward. Kurt looked up confused.
'How would you like to start turning things around for a change?'
'Hey guys.' Blaine greeted. Kurt was still looking at Wes.
'I'd love that.' He finally said.

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