Chapter 1

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


To me, life is about inspiration. You can live to be one of the greatest people to walk this Earth, but unless you have inspired others, you're useless. There are so many people I have looked up to in my life, and she was by far my greatest inspiration. I've stopped trying to remember what happened so many years ago, it's hopeless. I've stopped trying all together. 

     *3 years earlier*


I felt it the moment he walked in. A deep stress I didn't even know was present lifted off my shoulders. Butterflies- no bears were attacking my stomach, in a metaphorical way, obviously. To put it simpler, everything started to feel better just as it started to feel worse.

I was staring down at my pointe shoes, which needed to be sewn. I suck at sewing. Sighing, I began my hunt for a a sewing kit, and I was pretty hopeless, seeing that my dorm room was a mess. 

"Hey, Mel, do we have a sewing kit anywhere?" I asked while knocking on our dorm's bathroom door. The college I attend, Talbot University, used to be a luxorius hotel in the 70s, so we are blessed to have bathrooms in each dorm, rather than sharing one big one.

"Look in my dresser on the second shelf- under my fuzzy socks," My roomie, Mellanie, yelled through the door.

"Thanks Mel"

Right as I began to open the drawer, the door bursted open with a big whoosh of papers on the floor flying everywhere. Ugh I really need to clean my side of the room.

"Mel, are you almost ready? It's eleven fifty five!"

And that's when I saw him.

He had curly brownish reddish hair, piercing green eyes, and was wearing a black shirt. In fact, he was wearing pretty much all black- his shirt, which displayed the name of what i'm guessing is a band or something, his jeans with rips and holes everywhere, even his converse that were falling apart were all black. He looked like trouble, he looked like one of Mel's friends.

 "Oh, hey." Said the dude, who had sat himself on my bed. He didn't even seem to be phased that he had entered my room and was now sitting on my bed- he didn't care about anyone's privacy. 

"Hey." I responded, mesmerized by his eyes, which looked to green to even be considered legal. There was an awkward moment, I was staring at him and he was staring at me, we were both waiting for each other to say something, but we didn't. 

"So-" I started but was cut off by Mellanie coming out of the bathroom. 

"Hey Jace! Sorry, I was just finishing getting ready." She ran up to the boy on sitting on my bed- Jace, and did some sort of cool hand shake with him. 

Mel was all done up in her normal clothes- all black and extra heavy black eyeliner. I realized that she had the same words that the guy had on his shirt- Slashing Windows. They must be going to a concert together. 

"Phoenix! This is my friend- Jace Wheatherhall. Jace, this is my room mate, Phoenix." Said Mel introducing us. 

I extended my hand awkwardly to Jace, who seemed more interested in some paper on the floor. 

"Phoenix. Like the fire bird thing, right?" He asked 

"Uh, sure" I said.


"I guess." I responded. 

There was another one of those awkward pauses of us looking at each other. Those eyes I tell you, they ought to be illegal, I mean spare some green for the rest of the world. 

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