Beloved Truth

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You and Kira have had your so called 'dates' at St. Gentlemen and the Park. These little things made you day completely yet you found it hard to learn about Kira while he knows every little detail wether you know it or know not. Again, today was another day for you and Kira to meet at the shop. Over the few days, you have learned his name and have felt your heart open a little. Kira was kind and would walk you back to the hotel before leaving for work. Luckily, he was help you around Morioh last weekend on his off day of work. Now, today was the same day, look for the killer, look for the Stand arrow, and see Kira. You wore you favorite outfit from your home, America, with a purse Kira had bought you one day. Your heart would flutter at his gifts and treatments. After getting ready for the date, you walk out of you room and out the hotel. You thought of the pass few days in Morioh, you found out that Josuke and Okuyasu made a new friend named Shigechi. With that thought in your mind, you made your way to the sandwich shop.

[Kira's P.O.V]

Kira had enjoy the few days; they were normal and quite for him. The best part of the day was to see you; Kira would not realize his eyes would travel over you body from you eyes, to your legs, and your blushing cheeks. His feelings would grow stronger for you everyday little by little, yet he would try to push it away. It was something that would disrupt his day at times from changing his route home to stalk you or calling someone your name. He had to tell you this, Kira had to have you know him. At this point, it was keeping him from a goodnight's rest. He waited at the sandwich shop for you, yet, you did not show up. Worry soon cast over his mindset " Did something happen? Did she get in trouble? Is she losing interest in me?" Without thinking, he took your route towards the hotel only to hear your voice in a rather intimidating tone. He peeks around the corner to see you and a stand.

[ Y/N P.O.V.]

You had been nabbed by some mugger, who thought this was going to be some simple cash grab. Purple Rain emerged and held the guy in the air against the wall " You thought you would get away with my wallet and keys?" You raise your ( H/C) eyebrow before sticking your hand in a small puddle nearby. With a flick of your hand, the water scatter, but formed into a bubble before freezing into a a dagger almost. With a snap of your fingers, the frozen dagger stabbed the guy to the wall by his clothes. " I'll take this back." You snatched your wallet and keys back before putting them back in purse. With that, you walk out of the alleyway and to the sandwich shop only to bump into Kira. " Kira, what are you doing here?" You were scared a little that he saw you and your little action, but you were relieved once he smiles. " It's okay, dear. You and I have the same ability. Here, I will show you mine at my home. But, once I'm off of work." Gently, his hand rest upon your head softly ruffling your hair. " But it seems my time is getting away." He sighs before leaving you and going to the shop. Your heart skipped a beat at his touch as you follow him in and get some lunch. " Just get me at the hotel, okay." You tell him with a small smile " I will, dear." He whispers before paying for his sandwich and leaving. Later that day, you got a phone call from Jotaro " Y/N, I need you to come back to Reimi's. There is something you need to know." He demands before hanging up. You sigh to yourself before going to the location only to hear of Shigechi's death. Your heart ached as you felt small tears prick you eyes before Josuke comfort you . That afternoon was rather lonesome as the rain poured onto your cold body until you arrived at you hotel to see Kira.

[ Kira's P.O.V]

I saw ( Y/N) drag herself through the rain her eyes looked full and empty as she engulfed me in a hug. Her grip is so weak as she clutches onto my suit; her face buried into my chest as she wept. My instincts tell me to hug her, yet people are watching us. I felt my eyes travel from her to them " Come on, ( Y/N), lets go to my home." I offer as I take my umbrella and have it hover over us. She talked about Shigechi's death and how she felt somewhat scared of this killer. Yet, she has no idea it was me, Kira Yoshikage, who killed that cretin. We arrive at my villa and settle in, I was preparing dinner for Y/N as she watches the rain outside " (Y/N), I must tell you something important about me." My hands tremble a bit as I put the food on the glass plates. I carry them to the table to hear a " Yes, Kira?" I sit down across from her " I know this is not the right time to say this, but ( Y/N) I would be honored to have you as my companion. You are truly beautiful; I love how you are quiet as well. You are not noisy and bothersome as some women." My heart beat fast as I look downwards.

[ Y/N's P.O.V.]

Your eyes look at the blushing mess of Kira, it was rather cute to see him blush. " Your hands are soft, your voice is pleasing to my ears, and you are just perfect for me, Kira." He stumbles over, trying to keep his composure. You chuckle a little " Thank you, I'm so glad to know you feel the same, Kira. I have been unsure about this, but now, I can finally sleep without a sad thought coming across my mind." You felt your mind lighten up before Kira places his hand on yours. In return you hold his with a loving smile on your face " Kira, I want to live my life with you, Kira." After your confessions, you both showed your stands and their power. You are truly happy with Kira; no longer you can dwell on your past. You can finally move on with your new life with your beloved, Kira.

Under Pressure ( Kira Yoshikage x Reader ) JJBAWhere stories live. Discover now