Part 9~Reunited

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We had collected the sword from inside the hideout, and were now slowly walking to the address of the person who owned it, arguing about who got the payment. "I obviously deserve it! I'm the one who not only saved your sorry butt, but also took down the wind mage!" I protested. "Maybe so, but you would have never been able to do so if I wouldn't have distracted her." He said, annoyingly calm, but still challenging. "I would have managed fine on my own! Plus, I saved you from your reckless attitude at the start, since you decided to just jump in without a proper plan! Therefore I don't think I need your help, if anything, you need mine." "I wasn't just jumping in without a proper plan. I had a plan, I just wasn't expecting there to be such a strong wind mage there, since bandits often don't have magic, and if they do, they're usually pretty weak." "Well-" Before I could get my point out, he decided to cut me off. "You know what, I'm done arguing with you about this. Let's just both take half and done." I was starting to get tired of trying to find points to throw at this guy, and he clearly wasn't going to leave without any money, so I agreed in an annoyed tone, trying to show him I wasn't happy with him. But of course he didn't really seem to care.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked, tired of calling him 'green haired guy'. "Oh, so now you're interested in me." He said, eyebrow raised. "No, not really. I just feel bad calling you bozo or jerk in my head instead of your actual name." I said smirking at him, letting him know I didn't actually feel bad. He sighed and let out a small laugh at me. "Roman." "Katelyn" I said to him, putting out my hand for him to shake, wearing a smile on my face, to my surprise.

We talked a bit on the way, not that it was that far to go, but we just walked pretty slow. Roman wasn't as bad as I might have thought when I first met him, but I also wasn't suddenly completely acceptant of him. I still have my doubts, but I feel a little more confident now talking to people, thanks to Asher...shoot. I was trying not to think of him. Luckily talking with Roman made that easy, but that's obviously not working anymore. Roman glanced at me and then did a double take. "You okay?" He said, not sounding concerned, but more generally curious. "Yah. Just thinking about someone. Don't worry about it." I said without looking at him. Roman thankfully didn't try to pry anything more out of me and just let me think. Although, I honestly wouldn't have minded if he would have changed the subject. Would have helped my wandering mind.

We had finally reached the address to collect the reward. Thank goodness, I didn't know if I could handle more time to think about this all.

Roman knocked on the door and we waited. Nobody showed up at the door, so I was about to start walking away, when Roman grabbed my wrist to stop me. "You sure you're okay?" In a little more of a caring voice than the last time he asked me. "Yah. Just a lot on my mind." I said trying not to say too much. He let go of my wrist, and that's when the door flew open, making me jump.

There in the door way stood a huge man. He must have been six foot seven at least! This made me intimidated at first, especially since he gave me the biggest scowl I've ever seen since I left my father. But I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head and put on the bravest, toughest face I could muster.

"Hi, we came to bring you your sword and collect the reward from that quest you posted in Mason." I said in a strong voice, with no hesitation. In the corner of my eye, I could see Roman glancing at me for a moment. He then went to hand the sword to this giant, until I stopped him with my hand. "We would like to see the reward first and swap at the same time." I said, almost glaring at this guy. Now Roman was really looking at me. The giant scoffed and left for a second. I stepped away from Roman, keeping the same facial expression. Roman finally looked away when we heard the guy's footsteps approaching us.

He showed me the money and glared at me, waiting for an approval. I just nodded at him, and Roman handed him the sword, as the guy handed me the money. As soon as he had the sword, he slammed his door shut, leaving us on his door step. Only then did I put away the tough act. "So I'm guessing you don't do well with men." Said Roman, who had finally decided to speak. I didn't know how to respond to that at first. I began to walk away. "I guess." Is all I could think of saying.

We continued to walk back into town. I could almost feel all the restlessness in Roman because of all the questions he was stirring to ask, but he did good at hiding it. After a couple minutes, he finally asked one. "So, what happened that made you have to put on a tough act in front of guys?" I didn't bother looking back up from my feet. "My dad happened." Is all I said. He could tell I wasn't willing to talk about it, so he just nodded, while looking at me for a few moments longer.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts to realize he asked me another thing. "Hello?" "Huh?, could you repeat that?" I said. He laughed a little. "Could I have my half of the payment, or are you going to keep it all?" He said in a somewhat joking manner, trying to lighten up the mood. "Well, I would gladly keep it all, but since I'm so nice, I'll give you half." I said, smiling. "Oh, yah. I'm sure the guy who gave you that money got that impression as well." He said smirking. "Whatever-" I suddenly bumped into a small figure and was about to fall forwards, when someone caught me quickly.

I looked behind me, to see Roman looking at me with wide eyes, steadying me. I faced back forward to see who I bumped into. I saw a girl with really light blonde hair, tied up with a bow, wearing a baby blue dress, with white leggings, and short brown boots, lying on the ground. No way... "Sylvia?!"

I reached out to help her up. Once she was back on her feet, she took a look at me. "Oh! Your Katelyn! It's so good to see you again!" Said Sylvia, smiling. "Yah! You too!" "Who's this?" Said a guy behind her. "Oh right! You've never met her. Her name's Katelyn! I met her back in Terrabithia and we became friends!" She said happily. made me happy to know she thought of me that way. Part of me was worried about that, but I guess all for nothing. "I see, well it's nice to meet you, Katelyn. I'm Sylvia's comrade, Tobi." "Nice to meet you too." I said politely. "So what are you doing here in Mason?" Said Silvia. "Well, just exploring I guess. Not much." "Are you staying for long?" She asked. If only I knew the answer. That's still something I have to figure out myself, I suppose. "Um...I...don't think so." "Oh. Shucks! Me and Tobi have currently taken a quest, so that's what we're up to now. I guess I won't be seeing you again then." She said, looking down at the ground. She...really does care. "Aw, don't get all down in the dumps about it Sylve! I'll see you again someday. And that's a promise, so don't you forget it!" I said, giving the biggest smile I could manage. I wanted her to know, that it wasn't over, and that it will never be over. "How do you know you will end up seeing me again?" I thought for a moment, and tried to come up with the best answer. The type of answer Asher would give. "Because friendship will last as long as you want it to. So as long as we both want the friendship to live on, then we're bound to cross paths someday!" She gave me a big grin. I continued on, "and when that day comes, I'll tell you 'I told you so'!" I gave her a big hug, and waved goodbye as I walked away.

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