New Home

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Guys!! So close to 10,000 reads omg!

*Craig's p.o.v*

I woke up and stretched my arms out. We've been living in the apartment for two weeks now, and everything was fully furnished. I looked over at Tweek and smiled. I moved a strand of his hair off his face and kissed his forehead. I got up and scratched my bare chest. I walked into the kitchen and saw Stan. "Sup nerd." I said grabbing a bag of cereal. "Same to you. How'd ya sleep?" I shrugged, "Fine I guess." He nodded. I heard someone talking and I saw Kyle and Tweek walking out of my room. It was kinda funny though. We and Stab weren't wearing any shirts because Kyle and Tweeks were wearing them. Kyle looked exhausted and got some cereal sitting at the table. Tweek shuffled over to me and hugged me tightly. I skiled and picked him up. He wrapped his legs around me and his arms around my neck. He leaned back so I could see his face. "Hey baby." I said holding him up. "Hey." He said with a smile. I heard Stan talk behind us, "Why can't we do that Kyle~!" He said whining. "Because I can't hold you, and you can't hold me." He said in a whiny tone. I laughed and set Tweek down. We all ate breakfast and Kyle got changed. "I'll see you guys later." Kyle said kissing Stan's cheek. Stan turned his head and kissed Kyle. Kyle smirked, "See ya!" He said leaving. Oh yeah, Kyle had gotten a job at a restaurant, because he didn't feel comfortable with Tweeks parents supporting him. I got up, "Hey, I'll see you guys later okay?"

"Where you goin?" Tweek and Stan asked at the same time.

"I'm going to see Kenny, I'll be back later." I said. Tweek brought me to the door. "I'll see you later baby, okay?" I said. "Okay." He answered, "Just be know how Kenny is...."

"Tweek, that's the old me, I know to be careful, okay?" He nodded and I kissed his cheek. "Bye baby." He said.

"Bye Lovely~" I answered.


*Kennys p.o.v*

I woke up to a knock at my door. I stretched and got up answering my door. "Hel-" I stopped. Craig......he's here. Right in front of me..."Craig?" I mouthed out. He nodded. I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "Oh my God, dude....." We separated and he smiled. "I missed you bro, how's it been?" I asked leaning against the door frame. "Good, good. Me Tweek, Stan and Kyle got a house, er- apartment. It's nice." He answered. I smiled, "That's good."

~Couple Hours Later~

Craig stood up from the couch. "Well, I gotta get going." I nodded, and stood up. I hugged him tightly, laying my head on his shoulder. We separated and I smiled. "Come back soon, okay?" He nodded and left. I'm so glad he's back....


*Tweeks p.o.v*

I was laying in bed with my laptop watching some videos when I hear the door open and saw Craig coming in. He took off his shirt and shirt and jumped onto the bed. "Hey baby." I said looking over at him. He crawled up to me and started kissing my neck. "C-Craig?" I stuttered blushing. He didn't stop, his kisses started trailing down to my chest. I accidently let out a moan. He smirked and started taking off my shirt. He moved my laptop to the ground and pinned me. He started trailing down my chest, before the door opened. "Hey what do you guys want for din-" Stan stopped. Craig stopped and faced Stan. Stan smirked, "I'll leave you two to that then." He left and Craig started again, making moans leave my mouth.(This i  going to ... (If you know what I mean by ... from Mamamia) So, yeah)

I layed on the bed  panting as Craig fell next to me. "I missed that." Craig smirked. I layed on top of him and smiled. "I missed YOU, baby." He held me tightly, and I blushed. "Can I get my clothes on so we're not-" He nodded. I got up and threw pajama pants on and threw him his. He took them and threw them on . I layed back on top of him and he held my waist. I layed my head on his chest and smiled. Stan walked in, "Hey, dinners ready. You guys never answered because *Cough* yeah, so, I made lasagne!" He smiled. We got up and ate. Mmmmm, lasagne~.

Omg, when Iwas writing this the story had 9,800 + reads, omg!! THANK YOU!!!!

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