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The world is not how most people see it, it's not just a world where humans and animals are born, live, reproduced and them die just to start the cycle all over again.

The real world is filled with the sons and daughters of Greek Gods and Goddesses. It's filled with angels and devils. Some would say it's not real, that it's all just made up stories you would tell your children, but there are others who could prove them wrong.

Some people are born like humans, except they can feel when a God or Goddess is near them, some times even see them. Usually it's a specific kind of glow that's around that person, it's easy to look past the constant glowing the longer you're around that person.

There's also people who are born as a child of a God or Goddess, these people are immortal but can still feel great amounts of pain, they have multiple powers that can shift how another person can speak, feel, smell, sometimes even look.

The more common group of people in this world are the normal people who can't see these gods and they aren't a God either, they're just normal people living their normal lives, sometimes without knowing these Gods and Goddesses even exist.

Finally, there's the special cases, the people who are born with the ability to see these Gods, but they have to have it activated in order for it to work. They only people who can activate it are the Gods and Goddesses themselves, they have to be tied to the person they are trying to help gain this ability.

And in order to be tied to a God or Goddess, you have to have sex with them. And because it's not easy finding a God without that power, many people with this potential often don't receive it.

There's also angels in the world, but it's not the nice, friendly angels who sing hymns with harps, not all angels can be nice.  Though there are quite a few nice angels, a lot of the bad angels are ruled by the devil.

The devil is someone you'd never want to come across, he's evil and plays tricks on you to get you to do whatever he wants, he shows no mercy and would make no exception for anyone. He rules over the angels that he sends down, he gets them to do all of his dirty work while he  sits back and watch.

The worst part about the devil is the fact that a person can also be tied to him. Rumors are spread that he could make you into one of his angels and he could make you do some of the things they do, he would also be able to send you off if he doesn't like you anymore, one snap of the finger and you'd be dead, or cursed.

Many people who have the ability to see Gods and Goddesses say that he doesn't have that glow around him like the others do, so it's even harder to to notice if you're near him.

A lot of children would grow up with the same saying:

Stay away from any evil and mischievous men, if you get too close to them, you could be forced to do the Devil's Work.


I really like this idea for a story so I'm really hoping I don't lose motivation for it 😔


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