Chapter 1: Mornings and bike rides

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Gumi's pov:
I wake up from yet another nightmare. Lately I've been having the same dreams. About my parents and the crash.

I looked at the clock and realized it was the weekend. No school. I would call a friend to hang out like any normal person would.. But I don't really have any. I don't fit in anywhere. And everyone is scared of me, which isn't their faults. I can't really trust people anymore.

I also would have a day to spend with my family. But my parents died in a plane accident awhile ago. I was actually in that plane accident being the only survivor. Plus I'm the only child, and my relatives live far away. (Shiryoku kensa reference)

That plane accident caused things to get different in life. So I have to wear glasses. (If you haven't read shiryoku kensa it's based off the song eye examination by Gumi, it's a manga with gumi and so Gumi is gonna have powers like that okay? So if you wanna understand.. Go read the manga or watch the video real quickly or later)

I got out of my bed and got ready for the day. I live alone in a big house. My parents had very good jobs so we kinda lived in a rich neighborhood which is still my house. I don't really like it this way though. I decided to skip breakfast and take a morning walk.

When I walked outside it was peaceful. Birds chirping, winds blowing. Just what I needed. I put on my earbuds and put my music on shuffle.
That day actually turned out very uneventful. I just slept, watched tv, drank tea. *sigh* how boring I am..

~•~•~•~•~ next morning ~•~•~•~•~

Ugh. School day.
The alarm clock started going off and I woke up. I quickly got up and got ready.

Once I was done I looked in the mirror to see how my uniform and glasses looked. You see, I'm president of student council so I have to look perfect. However everyone is scared of me and my rough personality. I don't even know why I act like this though, maybe to seem tough.

I then started walking to school.

I gained stares as I walked to my first class, science. I glared at them and the people who stared quickly looked away.
I sat down in my seat and the teacher soon came in. My lab partner is this guy named Gakupo. Kinda a flirt. But never dares to flirt with me.
I wish I could be treated normally though.

In all of my classes I participate to have teachers like me. Plus I have a big role in this school. I'm actually smart I guess because I study. There's not much I can do. So I dedicate most of my time studying.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a bell ring.

I went to my music class. I play the piano and sing. The day basically went normal. Me yapping at people different rules. Walking through the halls, getting whispers and stares. But it's now lunchtime.

I didn't have anyone to sit with. My feelings actually get quite hurt with this, but I decide not to show it. I headed up to the rooftop with my box lunch. I noticed there was a group up there already.

So I just sat alone on the other side. Enjoying the noises of people laughing and talking and hearing what a normal life is. I lightly smiled at this.

I looked up and saw the Kagamine twins, Hatsune Miku, Gakupo, Luka, Kaito, Teto, IA, Neru, Miki, Oliver, and Yuuma. (Yeah big group there's probably more)

They didn't seem to care I was up here. So I acted the same, just ate my food.

•~• time skip to the end of day •~•

I got home and did my homework.
I started thinking "I haven't got my bike for such a long time. So might as well. "

I then went to the garage, getting out my bicycle.

I took the long route, up where the people who have average houses live. It seems more welcoming and friendly down there. Neighbors are there for each other.

I accidentally rode over a rock and fell off my bike. I quickly got off the ground, rubbing my knee and elbow. I
decided this is the time I go back home.

I never knew that tomorrow would be
the day that changes my life.

So how was the first chapter?¿ I tried my best but it's probably kinda bad.
Sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger!
Well that's it for today. Bye!! ;3

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