The big guy

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this is a book about angels so enjoy


My mother was a cupid my father was a keeper. They met in a magical place.... Heaven.

We are angels, the ones that tend to the big guys deeds and business.

My mother died and went to heaven, she soon got the top job of a cupid for her beauty and her expertise in picking who was meant to be with who, she could just tell by looking at people.

My father also died but a little while after he said it was a car accident but he doesn't like talking about it, they met while she was running to get to work, AKA match making. They bumped into each other and by the story they always told me as a girl, sparks flied. One day they thought why not make our own little angel, and that right there is where I came in. Dimitri Lorale , I grew up in a simple house lived a simple life as an angel kid would. When I was 16 I finally got assigned, as a keeper? Are you kidding? It's the most boring job there is a soul tender would be better even a guardian angel would do but I had to get a keeper?

" You will succeed here you have your dads genes" the big guy said looking at me as if looking in my soul..... Ohh wait he is.

" I can't I'm a cupid it's my destiny please." I pleaded with him.

" It has been decided." He said sure of himself.

My life was over at that point, I couldn't be a keeper, no it's not possible if they saw my room they would regret it cause it's a mess, I can't be the one who records things that happen on earth and write and store it in a scroll.

A week later I show up for work with my dad, were both dressed in our normal white, but this time my mom made me dress up" fancy" as she said it, in my long sleeve white dress that cut off before the knees and flairs out a bit, my pink amulet my mother gave me as a reminder of her when I'm at work and along with a pair of her old white boots that go past my knees by 3 cm.

My dad leads my into a beautiful building with a symbol of a scroll above the door as the crest of a keeper. We get inside and my dad walks over to his normal friends. He comes back with something with a big Elvis smile on his face,  he walks up to me and puts a pin in my hand and explains it,"  Dimitri this is your pin, wear it with pride and don't lose it," he points his finger in authority," it's the only one you get. Now James will give you a tour, I love you meet me here at 6 okay?" He says gesturing to a young guy about 17 with light brown hair that hangs in his face a bit, blue eyes that could melt a girl and a pair of white feather wings with the tips coloured a bit of dark blue that draped behind him like mine ,but mine are purple, like a lilac purple. My mom has pink tips, my dad has light blue so it just mixed.

" Hello you must be Dimitri, I can tell because your dad hasn't shut up about his daughter being a keeper. He is very proud, I'm Dedrick Dunes it's nice to meet you," He says sticking out his hand anticipating that he wants a hand shake, I shake it," First day very exciting, so today we are going for a tour of the building and a demonstration brought to you by me" He says with a cheeky smile.

"Okay, what is first?" I ask curiously.

" That my dear is for me to know and you to find out." He says teasingly bopping me on the nose as if he is so much older and more mature," On with the tour." He says leading me to the looking glass room.

The room is white as snow with white drapes over the window, even though it is bright I feel like there is something making the room dark. In the center of the room is a silver looking bowl on a silver stand, I walk close to it and look in. It is filled with water, I wave my hand over it seeing what it does, I look over and Dedrick is paying no attention to me lost in thought telling me what this place is.

" This is the looking glass room. Don't touch anything!" He says puling me away from the silver bowl," This room is used for looking at your assignment, we are all given an assignment to watch over. We record what they do right or wrong and report to the big guy who could use a little bit of help." He says proud," Don't touch that, because you are not trained yet. It is the stalanda used for going to earth, at the big guys wish to go help your assignment and set them on the right track." He usurers me out  of the room and proceeds with the tour.

To be honest I completely blanked the rest of it and soon it was 6.

" Hey Dimitri how was it?" My dad asked.

"It was fine, The tour was okay." I say shrugging 

" It will get better, I promise. Now lets go home I am starving." He takes my hand and walks me home.

We get home to my mom cooking, my dad went up behind her and kissed the top of her head,

"You guys are home! How are my little workers?" My mother asked.

My dad gets close to her ear and try's whispers and fails saying, "She is moody about her job."

" That is because she was made to be a cupid.... I don't understand why they put her as a keeper, she can't even keep her room clean." She states with a giggle," just give it a week, you might like it?" She says with a shrug.

" we can only try and get you into the cupid program, now go to the study I got you something! "She says excited.

I run to the study, I crash though the doors to a beautifully decorated room with nicest couches to a grandfather clock, all screaming comfort . On the desk lays a box, I walk over to the desk and look at the wrapping paper, Little pink hearts cover the whole thing.

I soon go to work tearing into my gift. Soon I'm holding it in my hands, a bow that is purple not like a little hair bow, one that you shoot. I had my name in scripted on the side with silver. On the side a little note said," Guess who got you into demon hunting instead, sorry sweetie it was the best I could do. But you come to the cupid office to sign in and out."

I ran down the hall and into the kitchen, "What!!!!!" I yelled

" Well I see you found your gift." she said smiling," The big guy and I are good friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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