What If Mal Has Ice Powers

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When Maleficent showed up at Ben's Coronation and demanded the wand from Mal and what happened next wasn't expected.
Maleficent: "Gimme the wand."
Mal: "No."
Maleficent: "you will regret that."
Mal: "No I won't."
Maleficent: " I can't believe I raised you"
Mal: "I have always known you weren't my mother."
Everyone was shocked at that revelation. Now who was mean to Mal knows that she isn't related to Maleficent.
Mal:*puts the wand behind her back for Fairy Godmother to grab*
Fairy Godmother: *smiles and takes her wand*
Maleficent: *angry and charges at the wand*
Mal: *puts up an ice wall*
Maleficent: *bumps into the ice wall* "ugh who put that there?"
Mal: "I did"
Everyone was watching at the cathedral and on tv are more shocked that Mal has ice powers.
Maleficent: "ugh you worthless rat I wished I never raised you."
Mal: *gets angry and freezes Maleficent's heart*
Maleficent: *gets frozen*
Mal: "okay now we have a frozen Maleficent before she melts can someone put her in the arctic."
Fairy Godmother: "I can take care of that *waves her wand and sends the Frozen Maleficent to the arctic*"
Mal: "thanks"
Evie, Carlos and Jay: "we never knew you had ice powers."
Mal: "neither did I"
Evie,Carlos, Jay: "so who are u parents?"
Mal: "it has to be someone with ice powers"
Evie,Carlos,Jay: "okay"
Hopefully you enjoyed this the next one shot is going to be a dna test for the core four to find their other parent.

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