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The PCU is a secret organization that is different for many reasons.
1.PCU(paranormal crime unit)
2.You don't have to be ancient to be an agent.
3. You don't find them. They found you
4. If you're not like us then you can't one of us.
You're probably wondering what I mean by that. You see, I am what you call a "seer". I see all. It's impossible to hide from me because I can see EVERYTHING. Even if it's not there. The PCU stops the stuff that is invisible to the regular human eye. My name is Maeve and this is my story.
I have been sitting outside the principal's office for about 30 minutes when I finally get called in. The principal, Mr. Conway, immediately begins to seize me up when I walk through the door. "Have a sit Miss Pratt." He paused to stare at me in a glare that would make any normal kid wanna scream RAPE. "So do mind telling why you punched Elizabeth at recess?" He said in a babyish voice "Not really. " He raised he left eyebrow at me. How rude. "Okay, okay." I said in raising my hands in surrender. "she was making fun of my for being a foster kid." Mr Conway sighed. "Maeve, I know that is a touchy subject for you but, you know what they say, just turn the other cheek!" How...nice. *gag* " But, Mr. Conway I did turn her other cheek." I replied in a voice so sweet it hurt. He sighed again. "Maeve, I hate to do this but, I am going to have to suspend you." Okay that does it! I stood in my chair and sang my favorite song... Bingo. "B-I-N-G-O your a little dumb a** hoe! You kinda look like Pinocchio and you can suck my right toe.
Next thing you know I am locked in my room. I will supposedly be stuck there for 2 days without any food. Supposedly. But, no. I have work to do at PCU. Can't let those evil entities have too much fun can we now?
I began to busy myself with lock on the door when I began to wonder how much longer I will be at this temporary home. 6 months is the longest I have ever been in one place. To most of my "families" I am just a meal ticket. The Johnson's are no exceptions. They already had 3 kids, why would they need 4? I am pretty sure after this, it will definitely just be 3. Oh, well. They sucked anyways.
I needed to get to the portal, I told myself, I have to meet my first team.
"BOOM! I shouted "Consider yourself picked, Mr.Lock!"
And just like that I was out the door and at the portal. Well, after I im pressingly snuck pass my foster parents, brothers, and a foster sister but, who cares about them anyways, right? I had to meet my first ever team! With a team I would to destroy class C entites!
Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention classes. each class is a ranking of how dangerous an entity is. Class A is the most difficult. Most teams aren't even allowed near class B. If I'm lucky maybe some day my team will get to.
Little did I know that, in just a few months, I would be at class A. Or that it will cost me everything.

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