Chapter 7

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They can go discharge pacifica "she still thinks shes four but you can take care of her" the doctor said "ok" dipper said.
Dippers P.O.V
"This is going to be really hard to take after my girlfriend who I love with my whole heart and she remembers me but not properly she doesn't even know we're dating well she does cause I told her but still and she has the mind of a 4 year old mabel this is going to be way to hard to handle" I explain to her "hey dip its going to be fine remember when grunkle Stan lost his memories" she said to me "yeah why and if you're about to give me a speech or something she hasn't lost her memories she just thinks she is 4" i said back "I know it's just i was going to say why don't we try and fine something in the woods of from fords book"she said to me "Mabel this is a medical thing we can't mess with it we just have to try and use things and books to help" I explain "what like read her stories for 6 year olds and give her toys for 7 year olds" Mabel said "Mabel you might be into something" I say "I was joking it was sarcasm" she says back " yeah well I want to do anything that could help the love of my life remember she's 14 not 4" I say to her "awww dippys in love that's so cute" Mabel says to me we just go back to Pacifica's room and help soos finish packing her bag to take home he's talking to the doctor and getting medicine for her "ready to go home pazzy" I said to her "yeah I can't wait is the doggy still there" she says "1 second paz" I said and turn to Mabel and gesture to leave the room she nods "what am I supposed to say" I ask her "what dog is she on about" she asks me "it's the dog they got her to play with so they didn't have to spend time with her when she was little" I explain to her "oh"she says "that's the dog that they got rid of and got a different dog that looks "rich" I guess" I tell her more "that's horrible i can't believe they would do that no actually I can" we go back in and I make up a lie "your friend is looking after her for a while because of your accident"  "oh ok" she says back we finally leave the hospital and get in the car we go to the diner and hope that jobs her memories Mabel and Pacifica get pancakes soos gets donuts and milk and I just get a cheese toastie

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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