Chapter 1

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(Authors note!!! Heyy y'all, yes I'm making
another book when I have 17 unfinished books in my drafts don't come for me lol. But I hope that this is the one I finally complete. No promises lol, this is the first time in months I've felt the energy to even write so let me use it, enjoy.)


"Girl I wonder who spit in the professor coffee this morning, he is tighter than the Botox in blac chyna face!" I laughed at my friend Uganda's comment. This morning hasn't really gone so great, for some reason our professor been out of his prime, snapping on folks and what not, not really like him. He's usually really laid back.

"Girl I don't even know, but he need to snap out of it cause them assignments not gonna grade themselves." After I said that Uganda gave me a little "mhm" response and we stayed silent on our walk back to the car, the sound of passing by students, other conversations, and the noise of the city was all that was heard. That was till Uganda said something that almost made me choke on oxygen!

"He must need some pussy." She smirked while saying this, I was busting out laughing. I can't even stress it our professor is fine as hellll, but I'm not one to go for older guys but Uganda that girl was wild! For us to be best friends we are nothing alike, she's outgoing as hell, partying and sex is her thing, so yes she has been eyeing our 30 year old, married with kids, well built and handsome ass professor since the beginning of the semester, and me? Well I'm 19 and still haven't had my first boyfriend, kiss, or had sex yet. The sex part doesn't stress me I believe in waiting till marriage, but I'd like to have a boyfriend, I thought maybe going to a hbcu would've helped my case cause hellooo?? There are like a gazillion fine ass black men everywhere, is this not like heaven? But no I stood corrected, everyone here ain't shit.

"Girl he got a wife that probably does that for him-."

"Shoot don't look like she doing a good job." She said interrupting me. By the way shit looking I bet 100 dollars that she gon get him, I'm already knowing. I responded with a simply shrug and we made it to the car and hopped in.

"Whew it's getting cold as fuck" I said while Turing up the heat. Uganda nodded her head in agreement as she put the car in reverse and we headed on our way home.

1 hour later.

I laid on the couch and scrolled through my Instagram, somehow I ended up on this white boys page, I won't lie he's kinda cute.

But then my heart dropped, I'm a good 3 weeks deep into his page and I like the photo

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But then my heart dropped, I'm a good 3 weeks deep into his page and I like the photo... God why! Immediately I leave the app and just try and calm down. "Maybe he won't even notice that I liked it." I tell myself tryna convince myself I haven't proved to him I'm a stalker. Just as soon as my worries come to a halt a notification from Instagram pops up at the top of my phone. I literally screamed so loud I made Uganda jump out her damn sleep.

"Damn bitch, don't you see I'm trying to sleep." She said the irritation in her voice was very clear but I did not care for I was to busy freaking the fuck out. I handed her the phone to look at the notification.

"What? It's just a text message." She looked at the screen and back at me. I groaned and leaned back into the couch.

"Girl I liked a 3 week old picture on his page now he knows I was being a little stalker." I said poking out my bottom lip, I know I'm probably being a little dramatic.. but how ima explain to this wigga why I was so deep in his page. Uganda aint shit ass ain't do nothing but laugh her ass off.

"Sunny (her real name is sunflower) I know damn well this white boy ain't got you freaking out, if you don't text him back. He probably think your big head ass cute." She said and laid back down on the couch stretching her arms out get ready to fall back asleep. I sighed and got up from the couch going into the kitchen to grab a drink. She's right, that's why I hate her she always right annoying self. I tapped on the counter top and looked at my phone before deciding to pick it up and responding back to him.


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Smiling I continued texting this Chance boy for a couple more hours before he finally asked for my number. I wanna say yes but I'm gonna play a little hard to get first so he don't think he got me in the bag yet, *cardi b voice* yah know what I'm shayinn.
I laughed realizing the position I was laid out in. I had one of my legs on my head board and the other one crossing over it with me hanging off the edge of the bed. Reminds me of this memes when they were talking about you'll be laid up any type of way when you having a good convo. Chance was cool with me not giving him my number yet, I found out that he went to Georgia State University which got me so excited cause at least I know this don't have to be no long distance type of thing- wait fuck am I talking about? This not even a thing yet oh my God. I hate when I do this I talk to a boy once I start planning our whole damn future. Turning my phone off and putting it down beside me I sighed to myself, in all honesty do you really want "a white boy." Like girl literally one of the reasons you decided to attend Clark was to find a faithful Black man, and here you are about to probably start talking to a White man. Now what if I have to be the first out my momma kids to bring home a white boy? My whole family will flip they damn lid. Maybe I should just not text him anymore, but then again fuck them, you the one that's finna take that dick not them. I laughed to myself at that last part knowing damn well my Virgin ass not even gon go for that.

You know what, it will play out on it's own. It's above me now, "God take the wheel" I said out loud to big man above.

I soon slept off.

HI GUYSSS! I know I'm not even done with the current book I'm dealing with right now but I got a sudden burst of inspiration for this one so why not update? Yes yes I know I don added a white boy into one of my story's 😂 crazy to me too. But y'all please give me feed back, I would highly appreciate it! AND FOLLOW ME DANG y'all will read and vote and comment but will not follow 😔 anyways bye y'all I'm finna go try and update on "My Hood, My shawty" I will not even hold y'all I am not fucking with that book at all, but I promised I'd finish so I will do just that. Love y'all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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