You - I got in to the team. Nicole - Congratulations (she says and give you a hug) You - Thanks. Dylan - I knew it. You - I just have to tell my mom. Jayden - Go you she will be really happy.
You go and talk to your mom.
Marks POV
Mark - Ok so you know that Maria is at the hospital? Nicole - Yeah? Mark - Why don't we say to y/n that we are going to another place but we are driving to the hospital because she said to me she really miss Maria. Maximo - That's a really good idea we should do it. Nicole - But who's gonna drive? Luca - We have friends. Nicole - Ok but when are we gonna have that party? Jayden - On Friday? Dylan - That sounds good. Mark - Yeah....she's coming now.
Your POV You - Hii? Jayden - Cone on hurry we need to look good because we are going to a secret place. You - Where? Mark - It's a secret. You - But I don't have other clothes with me. Luca - Just go home and change. You - Ok but I'm gonna take the clothes with me so I can change here. Nicole - Ok no one cares just hurry.
You go home and look for something good.
Nicole's POV Nicole - Ok now when she has left we need to tell her parents that we are going. Jayden - Do you have their number? Nicole - I think so let me check. ......... Nicole - Yes I have I message her.
Your POV You - Hi I'm back. Jayden - Ok we go up and change.
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You wear this
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Nicole wear this
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Jayden wear this
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Mark, Maximo and Luca are wearing this
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Dylan wears this
Mark - Are you done?! You - Yes we are coming!
You go down and see Mace.
Mace - Hey I'm Mace. Nicole - Hey this is my friend y/n. You - Hi should we go I want to know where we are going. Maximo - You will know when you get there. You - Hahaha.
You go to the car Mace drives and Mark sit with him in the front. You sit next to Nicole and Maximo. Dylan, Jayden and Luca are sittning behind us.
You - So where are we going? Nicole - You need to wait. You - How long do we have to drive? Nicole - Pretty long but we are gonna sleep at a friends house.
*it's been like an hour*
You - It's boring are we there soon? Mace - It's only like 40 min left. You - Ok. Nicole - Can we please stop I have to go to the toilet. Mace - Ok I know that we can stop in like 10 min. Luca - Ok good because I have to go to.
(Like the title this is a very very short chapter it's because I didn't have time but I'm working on the other chapter)