Five Years Later

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I watched Endgame (again) yesterday and I got a huge inspiration for one part of the movie so yeah...

In this, all of the events happened the same way they did in Endgame but through reading you'll see what's up so yeah...

Also, it talks about the daughter of Bruce and Natasha so yeah...

Also, in "She Hulk" comic books, Jennifer Susan Walters is Bruce's cousin so yeah...

Hope you'll enjoy!😊

Five years have passed and nothing.
No child, no woman, no man. No one.
Half of the human population has been missing. I guess the miserable times have come. And it was no good with Avengers either. Tony has gone missing somewhere in space, without anyone knowing if he is alive or not, Clint has gone missing too after his family disappeared, no track of Scott Lang, half of the Avengers have been dusted by Thanos's snap, and there was no one to say, do or know what's gonna happen next. No one. Steve, Natasha, Thor and Bruce were the only Avengers left on Earth. But how do they save the world? Thor failed. And he knew that. He was miserable, desperate, all he wanted was to redeem himself and go for the head. He wanted to avenge the fallen, the people, the Avengers, his family and...Loki. His brother. Steve was also desperate. Half of the people he loved are gone now. Everyone dies at some point, but this was different. He had no one to turn to. Bucky was gone, Sam was gone, Tony has been missing, and only Natasha stayed. But even she was absent as well. Natasha was occupied with many other things. She and Bruce started all over again, and believe me, it worked better than anyone imagined. They loved each other so dearly that the thought of losing one another could break even the heaviest atom in their bodies. Apart from that, Natasha was in the same condition as Pepper. Both around two months in, having Bruce and Tony's children respectively.

And then one day everything turned upside down again. This Captain Marvel showed up out of nowhere, landing Tony and Nebula's spaceship. Then they made a plan, found Thanos, and this time Thor went for the head. But what now? The stones are destroyed. The only hope of returning everyone back is gone. So what now?

For that, five years had to pass. And not many things happened in those five years. Steve ran a couple sessions, continuing off of what Sam has left, Thor created New Asgard, moved away and found peace in his beer. And I guess only Tony and Bruce were happy, both having families. Bruce and Natasha did the unimaginable. Something they wanted but never thought they'd have they now had and were the happiest people alive. Just five years ago, their precious little daughter, Brianna, came on this world. And although the world was dark for everyone, it just brought some light in their lives. Tony was no different. Five years ago as well he had a lovely daughter, Morgan, with Pepper. Then, in that world, the Banners and the Starks were the happiest people on the entire planet.

But then time travel came and everything changed. When Brianna was 4, Bruce left. Not the family, but....the thought. Instead of the disease he treated Hulk as a cure. And so, there was now Dr.Banner. So, does that mean that Nat and Brie are now alone?No. Natasha was strong. She handled it like any strong woman would. She explained to  Brianna what happened and the little girl understood, though thinking that he may return some day. Nat now had one worry less, but still, the thought of Clint being somewhere there, as an assassin, was sometimes ghosting her. And in those times Brianna would snuggle up in her parents bed and hug her mother as thight as possible. Hah, you should see how happy Nat is then, how much she smiles. Brianna really brought so much joy and happiness in their lives.

And then the time travel mission came. All of the existing Avengers were now assembled, for what might be one last time. And so they went and all of those things happened, and after one minute they were all back, disassembled. Clint was crying, and someone was missing. They all knew who. Natasha. That beloved strong woman had faith in the Avengers. She knew they were going to bring all of those people back. She also knew Clint's family was gonna come back. She had faith. The woman, who just preciously said :"I used to have nothing,and now I have this". It was down to what now? They had the stones, but what now? Tony felt guilty, Steve was crying, and Banner was alone. He didn't know what to do now. He isolated himself for a short amount of time, talking with the Hulk inside of him to leave him. He wanted to be human again. And Hulk consciously understood. He watched that little girl grow up, in hiding, so that she would not see him, but she did, and she was smiling on how interesting Hulk was. How Hulky he was. They separated, but it weakened Banner. Although he didn't much care about it because he only wanted to be with his daughter, to hug her and never let her go. Bruce came home that day. His cousin, who was looking over his daughter, was more than worried. First,why was he a human, then where was Hulk, and third,.where is Natasha? She had so many questions she so desperately wanted to ask him, but he didn't pay attention to her nor any of his surroundings. He went straight up to her room. She was drawing something at that time, a picture of her, mommy, daddy and uncle Hulk, all together. She looked up at her dad and just wanted to ask him why was he crying. He stood on the door, heavy tears coming down his cheeks, and just crashed into his daughter's holdings, crying for forgiveness.

Forgiveness for what? He felt guilty. Everyone did. Clint especially. After all, it was him who said: "It should've had been me". Brianna was confused. She didn't know what was going on. –"W-what happened daddy? W-where is uncle Hulk and w-where" she said, looking up at him. Bruce was still crying. He couldn't look his daughter in the eyes. He thought he failed. He thought she would think he failed in saving her mom. She put her hands on his cheeks and he looked up. His eyes were red. She was still looking at him, not knowing what happened. She looked over and saw her aunt breaking down immediately. Jennifer realized what happened. But Brianna was still clueless. "D-daddy?W-where is m-mommy?" - she was now scared.What happened? Bruce just couldn't look at his daughter breaking but he knew that she had to know. She has to.And so he told her. Everything. He explained to her everything he remembered, knowing that she that little wouldn't understand half of those things. It was silent. Nobody was speaking. Just partial breathings were heard. She was looking down, still confused. Something watery just fell on the carpet. It was a tear. She started tearing up. She looked up at her dad, tears forming in her eyes and managed to ask "Why?". Her hands were shaking, her legs were shaking, her whole body was shaking when Bruce explained why. She crushed into her dad's holdings, crying even heavier than Bruce did, the thought of her mother gone, hurting her.

Hulk was somewhere near the house, in the woods. Through the window he saw his little baby friend crying. "Hulk can't stand seeing little Banner cry" he'd manage to speak out, tears slightly forming in his eyes as well. He saw a figure approaching Banner and his little daughter. It was Clint. Clint's eyes were red. He was heavily breathing and he was shaking as well. He came in the room and crushed down. "Please forgive me" – he'd say – "It should've had been me". He looked down, knowing that the little girl in front of him will now not have a mother growing up, feeling guilty because she could've been staying right here where he was and he would be looking down on them, happy, because a family is reunited once again. He also thought that she would kick him, yell at him, throw him out of the room with her little bare hands if she has to. But he was wrong. She ran to him and buried herself in his holdings, hugging him. He hugged her back, even harder. Bruce joined in. That was the most heartbreaking hug you will ever see.

Hulk was looking at all of that. He started crying. Jennifer approached him. "You should go and be with them.You are also a part of the family" - she told him as she put her hand on his shoulder. Hulk, crying, did what she said. He got into the house (civilized, on the front door) and went into the room where all of them were."Hulk sad. Little Banner cry." - he said. Brianna saw him and ran straight to him. Her hugs were healing, honestly. She hugged him as thightly as she possibly could, and Clint and Bruce joined in.

There were now two girls in this world living without one parent. One, a Stark, living with Pepper and loving cheeseburgers, the other, a Banner, still trying to figure out her place in this world.

I dedicated this to my two best friends Sara and Natasha, for introducing me to the world of Marvel last year. Thank you and love you so much!♥️

And to you,thank you for reading all of this.😊

[2024]: Why the fuck did I think this was a good idea, I-😳

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