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I tell myself we're like ants on an ant hill and the loss I feel doesn't amount to anything in the cosmos. But the emptiness and longing are so great I can't hold that thought and I begin to wonder what's big and what's little. I have that program in my computer where you look at the Milky Way from such a distance it seems like one little star, then you start clicking and getting closer and closer and pretty soon you are looking at the solar system and then earth and then some clump of trees and when you're finished you're staring into a single cell and it only takes a little imagination to realize that if the program kept going you'd be inside an atom. The distances across that atom, in realtive measure, are the same as the distances across the universe. So there is no big and no little and I'm left to realize that the pain I feel, realitive to me, is as big as two galaxies moving apart in the universe, and I can only come to the conclusion that the despersation I feel is huge.

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