Chapter 17

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~~ The Next Day ~~

I covered my mouth with my right hand as I yawned, the first rays of sunlight dyeing the dark blue sky with an orange hue. My family had me storing various items inside my Inventory the night before, though most of them were storage scrolls. Kaa-san said that the scrolls contained a portion of the family's wealth.

'Were those storage scrolls filled with suitcases of money?'

Tou-san had ordered the chef and his two kitchen assistants as well as the dozen servants to leave on horseback the night before, they were to take an indirect route to the Capital. He had given each of them quite a bit of money to purchase new wardrobes for themselves.

"Genji-kun, did you sleep well?" Kaa-san asked from somewhere behind me.

Turning around, I nodded at my mother. "Yes, Kaa-san."

Kaa-san smiled at my response before she climbed up into the back of the second wagon with Tou-san's assistance. We were currently standing on the dirt road by the horseshoe-shaped building, my sisters were wearing their samurai armor while stretching and my three grandparents were currently in the covered back of the second horse-drawn wagon.

"I'm so excited!" Kiyoko exclaimed while bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

"I'm also looking forward to leaving the family estate for the first time," Rumi said as she stretched both hands above her head before bending over to touch her toes.

"We're first going to have to get through a hundred-and-twenty-eight-thousand rabbits including a Rabbit King," I said, dampening their enthusiasm.

"Don't worry Genji-kun, it's just rabbits," Kiyoko said with a grin, her enthusiasm unfazed as she strapped on her Black Wolf Vambraces (+8 Strength).

"Yeah Genji-kun, not like its wolves," Rumi said as she cracked her knuckles, having completed her stretching routine. Kiyoko and I then helped her wear her kendo armor.

"I guess you're right Rumi-chan and Kiyoko-chan, I'm just a little nervous because I've not fought a Boss Rabbit in a while," I replied as I checked the straps on Rumi's kendo armor. It would be quite embarrassing if her kendo armor fell-off midway through battle.

For this journey to the Capital, I had elected not to wear my blood-stained White Rabbit Set because knowing that it was covered in human blood was rather off-putting, not to mention unhygienic. Yesterday evening my sisters and I had tried to remove as much blood as we could but unfortunately most of the blood had dried, deeply staining the fabric.

Tou-san was currently loading up the third wagon with the large storage scrolls that contained Ojii-san's favorite rattan chairs which were too big to fit into my Inventory. Deciding that I should probably assign my 17 points while waiting, I mentally pulled up the Status screen before my eyes.

Name: Amano Genji

Level: 20

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