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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of it's people, plots or places.

"It's time to begin, isn't it? I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit I'm just the same as I was, Now don't you understand I'm never changing who I am" I sung out loud spinning around with a huge smile on my face rain pouring down on to me, head bopping to the music.

I hear a horn blare and my eyes snap open immediately turning around only to see a car heading my way at high speeds. My eyes widen and I'm frozen to the spot. I feel something hit me, hear a sickening crack and then there's black just black and I slowly fall into a deep sleep.


The first thing I notice when I wake up is the hard floor beneath me. I slowly sit up and open my eyes, blinking at the brightness of the room.

I look around the room. It kind of looks like a library. There are loads of shelf's filled with books everywhere and a desk with one open on it.

"Oh dear, what has happened, you shouldn't be here yet" I hear a most definitely Male voice say from behind me.

I quickly got up on my feet and spun around to see the source of the voice. In front of me I see a young man probably in his early twenties with long white blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, ridiculously pale skin and icy blue eyes.

"Who the Bloody Hell are you and where the Fuck am I" were the first words out of my mouth before my brain even caught up to what I was saying.

The man looked rather shocked before rubbing the back of his head with his hand and looking rather sheepish.

"I'm uh, god this is always the hardest part" he mumbled under his breath looking down at the ground. "My name is Morgan, I'm ah, well basically I'm death" he said speaking louder, stumbling over his words and blushing slightly.

"Death, Your Death. Tell me your fucking with me right now" I replied to the man, deity, whatever, incredulously.

"I'm afraid not, you died when you weren't supposed to and now your here with me so I can fix that" he said steadily gaining confidence in what he was saying and walking towards me.

"Fix it, what are you going to do, bring me back to life" I snarked at him, If I really was dead I wasn't going to be one of those people who freaked and begged to be brought back to life.

He recoiled, apparently he wasn't used to dealing with people who actually had a mind and could talk back to him.

"Well uh, that was the plan actually yes" he said sounding shocked. "But, maybe we could do something different instead" he continued now sounding deep in thought, eyes sharpening, seeming old and filled with knowledge and power.

"I'm sorry, what?" I questioned him, but he ignored me begging to go around the library and picking up books while mumbling to himself.

"Ah, here we go" he said triumphantly and very suddenly causing me to jump slightly. "Just sign here and we'll be good to go" he went on, handing me what looked like a feather quill.

"And, what exactly is it you want me to sign" I asked him, my father had always taught me never to sign anything without knowing what the fine print says.

"It'll bring you back to life, except this time you make the choice of where and when instead of me, and you get to keep your memories" he talked like he was on a TV advert and trying to sell me something while omitting important details.

"Mhm, and what else comes with this, no way I'm getting that and your not getting anything" I replied raising my eyebrows and letting him know that I wasn't going to be fooled by his tricks.

"Well, You would be my master. It has been an awfully long time since I've had one and I do get dreadfully Lonely up here by myself." He elaborated, it still seemed like a good deal there was no way he was letting me have complete control over him just like that.

"And what exactly does being your master entail Morgan. May I call you Morgan" I cheeked back. He was not going to con me into anything, one of the only perks of growing up with a business man for a father.

"I uh... yes, yes I suppose you can" he said tripping over his words slightly and I wondered then if anyone had ever asked to use his name before. "It simply involves keeping me company my dear. Every time you die you shall return to me before going back to the land of the living. It allows me a friend and some insight into the land of the living."

"Huh, that doesn't sound so bad" I replied. I suppose being death would be awfully lonely it didn't seem as though he had talked to someone in a long time. "Okay, okay I'm in."

"Brilliant" he said seeming overly happy "just sign here and here". He held out the pen in his hand.

I took the pen from his hand and wrote my signature in the places he had indicated. Suddenly a bright glow came from around the room and I was sat behind a desk a large brown book in front of me opened to a page that read specifications.
Hi, okay I should warning you the updating on this will be extremely sporadic as the first few chapters are being completely overhauled and the next ones aren't even written.

My apologies for the short chapter and the next one will probably be short as well however I found it was two long if I tried to put both parts of the prologue together.

Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading
Your Author x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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