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I let out an internal sigh. That's a fucking relief.

"I hope you know that this means we're talking and if I see any bitches with you I'm fighting them then fighting you," I threaten him, only half joking. The thought of another female being clingy with him made me scowl.

"Don't worry, I'm only worried about you," Ezra assured me. There's this wide grin on his face that has my heart hammering in my chest. He was such a catch.

I smirk at him playfully. "Better be."

Ezra smacks my butt lightly, and lets out a groan. "As much as I'd love to stay in here all day with you, I think we should get to school."

I grimace at the mention of such a torturous place. "Ugh, you're right."

"I'm gonna wait out by the living room while you get dressed. Wouldn't want to be too. . .tempted," Ezra smirks. His eyes trail down my body as if he's undressing with my eyes, which I certainly don't mind.

"Oh, baby, trust and believe you still be tempted," I say with a sultry tone, trailing my hand across his chest as I walk past him.

He groans fuck underneath his breath as I walk out of the bathroom, and to my room across the hall. I leave the door creaked open for an invitation, because I certainly wouldn't mind him coming in.

I walk to my closet to figure out what I want to wear today. As usual, it's going to be hot as hell today, one of the downfalls of living in Miami.

I felt like being scandalous today, which was no surprise. Although this time it wasn't for me—and okay, fine, maybe a little bit for attention too—but for Ezra. He hasn't seen me in anything too crazy yet.

I search for a pair of jeans I've only worn once, and one of my favorite crop tops. With its burnt yellow color and lacy, floral design it stood well against my tanned skin. Paired with my light blue jeans that hugged me tight in the thighs and butt, I looked amazing.

Some simple sandals complete the look, and with a smirk on my face I put my backpack on and grab my keys and phone.

Ezra is sitting on the couch, his jawline looking immaculate as he stared down at his phone. I stare at him just for a second, just to admire this beautiful specimen of a man that made my couch look tiny.

"Excuse me, main attraction has entered the chat," I sing-song as I walk into the living room.

He looks up immediately, and I swear his eyes darken just the tiniest bit when he takes in my appearance. That was exactly the reaction I was hoping for, and that I'd better have gotten, yet I still feel my cheeks warm. Something about Ezra made me feel all jittery on the inside. And I liked it.

"Don't you look fucking sexy," he says as he makes his way over to me. He walks until he's directly in front of me, and I have to crane my neck all the way up to look at him.

Ezra bends down and places a single kiss on my neck, one that ignited heat in my lady parts. Just from a little peck on my sensitive skin. I was thinking Ezra had some type of seductive power that I didn't know about.

"I love that outfit on you," he murmurs, his lips brushing against my skin teasingly. He lingers there for a moment longer, and my breathing seems to get stuck in my throat, before finally leaning back and grabbing my hand instead.

"Let's get my baby to school so she can pass her classes," Ezra states as he leads me out the door. I almost trip once, because my feet seemed to have forgotten how to work after that neck kiss, but I manage to make it to his car alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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