Behemoth and Avatar

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November 3, 2019.

I don't remember all the details at this point but it goes something like this:

I arrived at a outdoor theater where bands would play. For some reason it was out in the middle of the woods.
For another odd reason the blackened death metal band "Behemoth" was getting ready to play. Before the show I talked with Nergal. Before we departed I think I gave him a hug?
Only a few people showed up. About 20.
Everything goes as planned as they played their gig, until two guys pull out rifles. I pull out a gun and shoot the one guy's gun and he gives up. Then I shoot the other guy's gun until it caught on fire and caught the man on fire also.
Everyone acted as nothing out of the ordinary happened. Not even myself.

After the show, the band find out of what happened and I get to go backstage. I hang out with them and they go and get on some orange rock hill things.
The surroundings turn into something like a desert.
I decided that this would make a great photo so I get closer to them and they start jumping from rock thing to rock thing for some reason. I guess to prevent me from taking their picture.
Behemoth magically turn into Avatar. I say something about there only being 3 of them because Johannes Eckerström looked like a cactus..? (Because he is tall.)
I finally get over to them and ask Johannes if I could take his picture. The rest of the band seemingly vanished.
Johannes makes a stupid face and I take his picture.

I don't recall what exactly happened after that.

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