Part 1

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Beneath a dilapidated building, with metal and wooden debris surrounding it, stood a bunker that was the home for some survivors. Inside the building, beneath singed wood, was a hatch that opened up to stairs that led to the said bunker.

One of those who lived there [it was a large one; the building above it was probably an old apartment-like building], was reading a book while messing with one of the groves on her hands. Her brother was trying to distract her, but she kept swatting him away. "Eren go away-"


Eddie Kaspbrak was a struggling survivor and inventor, a short and asthmatic teenager. He wore fingerless gloves, all types of copper, gold, and bronze rings, down his fingers, he had goggles placed on his head as well, and his outfit was also topped off with a Fanny pack of course. The boy was cooped up in a corner, rubbing his arms a bit. He wasn’t feeling the best.

Eddie sighed. But little did he know of his adventure yet to come

[b] Clover

Clover Rampkins was a rather tall guy with rather bright violet hair and yellow eyes. He was a rather good inventor, making a few things here and there. He was collecting scraps around the building, working on his latest project, mechanical wings.

[b] Nio

Not far behind Clover was his best friend Nio Lark. Nio was short compared to Clover. He usually kept his longish grey hair in a short ponytail, leaving some in his face covering the middle of his circular lens glasses. Compared to Clover, Nio was only good at making small contraptions rather that bigger things.

A hooded figure was wandering outside, something was almost off about him, his movements stiff, but quick. He had what appeared to be black hair, and glasses, but that was all you could see

Eddie went outside, it was a risky move, but, he needed to do something, he huffed, the teenager kicked around some old parts. Looking for something new. He walked around a bit before bumping into the hooded figure from before.

“Oh nonono—“ the hooded figure panicked looking at the human.

“Are you okay—“

“Y-Yeah yeah!” He laughs nervously.

Eddie could see a faint glow from his mask underneath his hood

The figure ended picking up something from previous travels, he was a real jokester because of it.

The figure probably made a bad joke, because it really grinded eddies gears.

"What are you reading, anyway?", Eren asked, snatching the book that was in front of Sky. He looked at the open page, reading a few words a loud from it. "'Turning around, Eloise paled. The monsters followed her there.'"

"HeY!", Sky reached for her book with her un-gloved hand, staying in her seat. Her brother swiftly closed the book, and stepped back, holding the book up where Sky couldn't get it. "Give it back!"

"HmMm- no-", he told her with a smirk. Sky grumbled under her breath and stood up from her seat. She turned and took a very quick step with the leg that was mostly prosthetic [that her brother created for her], and fell with a yelp. The knee part of the leg was loose again, and it gave out under her weight.

"Oh shit-", Eren dashed over to Sky and helped her back up and into her seat. "Is your knee acting up again?"

"Yep- can you give me the knee-brace-thingy? It's near my matress-"

"Yeah, I'll do that-"

Rummaging through a collapsed store, James glanced at his cracked watch. There was a patrol of robots coming soon, and he needed to get out with the goods before that happened. He hadn't found much, but he supposed it was good for now. It wasn't every day that he found cans of soup, and the canned peaches he found were an unheard luxury these days. Stuffing his findings in his satchel, James went to his motorbike, speeding off in the direction of their hideout.

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