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A soft, timid knock was heard against Urie's door. The stoic guy hardly heard it over the sound of the music playing, but he opened one eye, looking sideways at the door.

"What's the issue? I'm trying to sleep." He stated calmly, in monotone.

"That's the problem, actually. I can't sleep." A familiar, hoarse voice cooed from the other side of the door, muffled by the blockade. Shirazu stood on the other side, only hoping for an answer to his problem.

"Why are you asking me? Aren't I the least likely person to help you with anything?" Urie closed his open eye again and began to drift off with the soft music.

"I already tried! Everyone's either sleeping or Saiko, and you know how she is!" The guy on the opposite side of the door raised his voice ever so slightly in frustration.

"Open the door."

Damned idiot.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a messy-haired, tired-looking Shirazu, who just left himself in the doorway, not knowing if he was welcome inside the room or not.

"You asked for help, didn't you?" Urie sat up slowly, pushing his back to rest against the headboard of his bed. He stared blankly at Shirazu, who didn't seem to get the hint. "Come closer so I don't have to shout at you. Close the door on your way in. It's cold."

"Uh, okay." Shirazu did as he was told, taking a mere three steps forward before catching Urie's glare. Awkwardly, he made his way to the bed and stood at the foot of it, before averting his gaze out the window. "So uh, ya got any ideas?"

"No, not really. I was having an issue sleeping myself, if you couldn't tell. If I could be asleep by now I very well would be." Kuki's words earned Shirazu's gaze back, this time one of confusion.

"Why'd ya make me come in here if ya didn't have anything to say?" The scruffy guy tilted his head to the side, eyebrows furrowing. He'd begun to get louder again, and was silenced by Urie's response.

"I already told you. I don't want to yell. If you sit down here, though, I might be able to show you something." He pointed lazily to the spot beside him, causing Ginshi to become even more nervous than he had been already. Ever so slightly flustered, he took the few steps it took to reach the bed, and sat down next to Urie, who now stared out the same window that Shirazu was gazing out of only moments ago. "Listen to this, it helps me relax when I can't sleep."

Urie took one of his headphones from his ear and handed it rather gently to Shirazu, who took it clumsily, dropping it on the bed between them. Ginshi cursed to himself under his breath before reaching around for it. Kuki seemed to have the same idea, because as they reached around for it at the same time, their heads lightly bumped together, foreheads colliding softly. Shirazu pulled back immediately while Urie had held himself there, soon handing the small headphone over to the clumsy guy.

"Sorry 'bout that." Shirazu mumbled before letting himself hear whatever Urie had been listening to. It was odd to hear at first, as the scruffy guy had expected the other quinx to listen to something just far more... intense than this. "This really what you listen to all the time?"

"No, not all of the time. These are sounds called binaural beats, they're supposed to help you relax so you can sleep. So just let go, stop thinking so much."

Minutes went by, and there was no sound other than the chimes of the soft music to be heard. Shirazu has begun to grow drowsy, and felt himself fall slightly against something warm, that he instinctively turned towards, Urie finding the ukaku's face nestled in his shoulder. He just sighed, realizing he'd gotten himself into this situation, but decided he couldn't stay like this if he ever wanted to sleep.

Slowly, and gently he began to move Shirazu just enough so that they were both laying down fully now, and Urie pulled his covers to where he was comfortable. He turned away from the other male, but as soon as he did, he heard him whine in a half-conscious protest.

"You really lettin' me stay here, Uriko?"

Damn it. You just had to go and make it an issue.

"Why didn't you leave if you thought it was going to be a problem? Why make it a problem? I don't care as long as you're not annoying." Urie mumbled in response, not once turning to look at the scruffy guy who lay next to him.

"Yeah, sorry. Guess you're right."

Time passed silently, peacefully as Urie began to drift off into the soft wave of sleep once more, but just as he was about to again, Shirazu's voice softly interrupted his slumber once more.

"Hey, Uri...?"

For the love of... what the hell does he want now?

"What?" The word left Urie's lips in an irritated fashion, causing Shirazu to flinch slightly.

"I uh— would it be okay if I— I mean... if it isn't weird or anything— when I was falling asleep earlier..." Shirazu struggled to force the words out of his mind, unsure of the reaction he'd get from the sullen Urie. It took him a moment before he finally continued, sighing hard in the process. "I've been gettin' real bad nightmares since that nutcracker investigation. I feel like I don't got anybody to go to about it, and I'm kinda lonely most nights. I felt comfortable falling asleep on yer shoulder—uh... do ya think ya could... hold me or somethin'?"

Urie stayed completely still, unable to process the words he'd just heard from the ghoul investigator. It wasn't something he'd heard from anyone before. He was taken aback, simply because he'd never been asked to hold anyone before, and he didn't know whether he should in this scenario.

"I don't want it to be like, weird or strange or uncomfortable or anything. I know they're just dreams, but you gotta know what I'm talkin' about, don't ya? You don't have to if ya don't wanna, Uriko—huh?" Shirazu stopped rambling as soon as he felt the mattress shift and the bed frame creak slightly as Urie turned to face him, wrapping one arm around the scruffy guy's back. Instinctively, Shirazu buried his face in Urie's chest, breathing in deeply. Urie tucked his chin downward, tilting his face towards Ginshi's mess of goldenrod hair.

"Now sleep, don't overthink it. You had to kill her, there was no way around it. They're ghouls. It's what we do. It's what you signed up for. Don't worry about this either. And don't bring it up in the morning. That includes telling anyone else, for that matter." Urie held Shirazu to his chest as he began to drift off for a third time now, feeling the guy curl up against his body.

Inwardly, Urie couldn't help but smile, even if on the outside he came across as completely numb to the world and anybody in it. Shirazu was rarely vulnerable or open about his problems like this. It was obvious when he was upset, but he'd never tell anyone the reason behind it. People just figured it out. Urie found it somewhat endearing, however, that occasionally Shirazu would be plain and open about it with him—even if he was timid about it.

As he drifted off into the deep, warm wave of sleep, Urie's subconscious took over, and the slightest of smiles appeared on his lips, just an upward turn of the corners against Shirazu's messy goldenrod hair. His free hand found its way to the back of Ginshi's head, delicately burying his fingers into the rough strands.

"Thanks, Uriko." Shirazu's voice was nothing but a whisper as Urie finally drifted off, holding the scruffy guy closer than he'd ever would have thought he'd hold anyone. He did admit with his final waking thoughts that he did it partially so Shirazu would quit annoying him—he needed to sleep after all, but something deeper in him told him otherwise, he just wasn't aware as to what else would cause this decision to be made.

Afterwards, all thought was gone. Peace laid itself across the room, embracing the two quinx as they did. A warm stillness filled the air, and neither thought once more. All barriers had been taken down by the control of he subconscious, and any mental obstructions that had existed between two people caring for one another were disregarded.

It didn't matter that the two lay so closely right now as the mind drifted into oblivion—nothing mattered at all.

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