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Tagged by : otakuassfuck

(I was too lazy to crop it!) 1 - I don't have a crush maybe just Deku

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(I was too lazy to crop it!)
1 - I don't have a crush maybe just Deku...
2 - They don't even exist-
3 - Abgail is my middle name!
4 - Single and happy UwU
5 - Lkat-owo
6 - Billie Eilish - CopyCat
7 - 92%
8 - JadaBugUWU
9 - My friend Chase!
10 - TodoDeku
11 - No actual reason
12 -

2 - They don't even exist-3 - Abgail is my middle name! 4 - Single and happy UwU 5 - Lkat-owo 6 - Billie Eilish - CopyCat 7 - 92%8 - JadaBugUWU9 - My friend Chase! 10 - TodoDeku11 - No actual reason 12 -

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13 - November 16

Tags :
AmazinglyProblematic   -_Mamagiri_-
_Anxious_Ace_ AReaderLearnsToWrite
Izukua Ideatronic
TododekuVSShindeku _themandalink
Amnaz545 AngelicRhapsody
Kazuto-Kiriguya Akkyeh
JadeInkwell LazyAnimaniac
_NeitoMonoma_ EvilThotSlayer
OwO_Master_ Lkat-owo
-aImondmiIk- BluerosedSwordsman

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