Don't Talk To Them

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Everyday my Mother had always warned me not to talk to strangers, for they might kidnap me and sell me for ransom or even murder me. I always thought she was trying to trick me into staying with her at all times. I'm 21 now and I had just finished putting all of my boxes into my new apartment. All 3 of my best friends were here. Lora and Kathy both wanted to go clubbing but Payton and I wanted to stay at the apartment, for we had done all of the work.

"C'mon Lucy! We all worked very hard and we all deserve it!" Kathy nagged.

I was too scared to step up to her because when I was young, every time I had stood up for myself, my mom had told me to stop acting like a man and that a woman's job was to stay in the house and clean and cook for the man.

"No, WE are the ones that did everything and WE deserve to go clubbing but WE don't want to." Payton said aggresively.

"Pay-Pay, what has gotten into you?" I had yelled at my best friend. I instantly regretted it and shot my hands over my mouth. Kathy, Lora, and Payton were all staring at me in surprise.

"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to burst out like that." I said in a faint whisper. I had felt so embarassed and so alone. Everyone just burst out laughing and I just sat there staring at them.

"You didn't burst out, you just yelled!" Kathy said, still laughing.

"Oh. Ok." I had felt the sudden urge to stay with my friends at all times.

"But are you guys still going to the club tonight?" Lora asked.

"Y-yeah I think I'll go." I murmured under my breath.

"What about you, Pay-Pay?" Kathy asked impatiently. 

"No, I think I'll just stay at my house. Those cats can't feed themselves!" Payton said chuckling nervously.

It was just us three on our way to a club. I had worked as a stripper back then so, I had seen everything. when we went to the entrance, they asked for an ID so we gave them to him and he let us in. There was a guy that was interviewing a stripper, which I thought was weird. I had seen a guy walking twords our trio.

"Hey." The Stranger said. We all knew he was talking to us so, Kathy and Lora ignored him.

"Oh, hi there." I said politely.

"Are you wifi? 'Cause I'm feeling a connection between us." The Stranger said, pulling me closer. 

I scoffed at his poor attempt for a pickup line but he was cute so i giggled anyways. When I laughed along, he pulled me even closer and smashed his lips against mine. I didn't want to upset him, so I kissed back. 

"I'm Lance." He said between kisses.

"Lucy." I said after a couple of seconds.

Lance stared in my eyes, and the light was behind me so I could see his short, brown curls and his beautiful hazel eyes.

"C'mon, we can have a little more fun in my hotel room."Lance said with a sly look on his face.

"Uh-" I could feel Lance pull me into his room and throw me on his bed. I heard Lance undo a zipper.

I saw Lance on top of me with a syringe and struggled to keep my eyes open.


I woke up, tied to a bed in a room that I had never seen before.


Lance did this. Lance kidnapped me.Lance had officially ruined my life. My train of thought ended when i heard some voices outside of the room. I jumped when I heard somebody unlock and open the door.

"Oh, you're finally awake, aren't you?" The woman said ever so softly.

I yelped in pain as, this strange woman had untied the rope that was restraining me to the bed and the rope had burned my skin and left multiple marks.

"What's your name?" I asked the woman.

"L-Lucy." I said wincing in pain.

"I'm Susan." She said "I assume you've met my son, Lance haven't you?"

"L-Lance? No no not Lance anybody but Lance!" I yelled in fear.

Susan had a concerned look on her face and sighed. "Hey, Sam! Hurry up! She needs to be fixed soon!" Susan yelled out the doorway.

I heard two men run down the stairs and open the door to my room. there was a man, about in his fifty's and a shorter man who looked in his late teens. Both of the men looked a fair amount like Lance but an older version. The younger one walked towards me.

"Hi there! I'm Hunter!" The young boy said "What's your name?"

"L-Lucy." I said, looking down. I heard the man shift over to my direction and he lifted my chin up so that I was looking at him in the eye.

"I'm Samuel, but you can call me Sam." He said with a suspicious grin plastered on his face.

"Lance is upstairs, you'll see him in a little bit." Sam said as I started to cry.

"It's going to be alright, Lucy." Sam said softly.

"Don't cry, you'll be here for the rest of your life." 

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