Don't Let Them In

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"Let me go home!" I said loudly, throwing fists at Sam.

"This is your home, Lucy." Sam said somewhat soothingly. That's when I just couldn't take it anymore. I burst out into tears and didn't stop. I couldn't help myself. Wait. Lora and Kathy were both at the club too. What have these monsters done to them? That's when I lost all control and started crying even harder.

"Lucy!" Sam barked.

I started raising my voice at Sam, demanding what they had done to my friends. I lost all train of thought and watched as my conscience slipped away from me. the last thing I saw was Sam standing over me, holding a small black case.


My eyes fluttered open, but I could not move. I was relaxed to the feel of someone behind me...playing with my hair? I wanted to turn around and see who it was, but it was like I was paralyzed. I waited for about 10 minutes before trying to turn over. I gave myself a big shove and saw Lance laying down, now in front of me. He had a sly look on his face and I jumped back, shocked at what I had seen.

"Look who's up from her nap." Lance said, slowly getting up and walking towards me as I tried to get up off of the bed. "Oh, shit. "  I thought as I struggled to move. Lance shifted around the bed to my side. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Lance said, ever so softly. It almost...comfored me? It was like it was supposed to happen but I didn't know it. 

Suddenly, I regained control over my body and I slowly rose up, so that I was sitting up on the bed. "W-Why?" I asked, looking up at Lance. "Why did you bring me here, away from my home?" Lance looked at me with his cold, dark eyes. I got up and ran out into the hallway as Lance chased after. I ran back into the room and slammed the door on him. Lance screamed in pain as I heard a loud crack.
"Goddamit!" Lance said.
I held the door closed and did not stop. Under no circumstances will I let this kidnapper in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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