Daddy's Little Monster

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A/N: Here's a little Halloween short I had meant to drop on Halloween but homegirl has been busy. This is set in the Safe Space universe and timeline for those of you who did not read the description. Love you guys, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

"Kitty. What are the rules for tonight?"

Katsuki looks up from where Tenya is tying his shoe laces, the megane's glasses balance on his nose. He holds up his fingers, lips pursed in thought as he goes through all of the set rules and guidelines his daddy has set for him tonight.


Shouto can almost see the light bulb turn on in that brilliant brain of his.

"Oh! Always hold daddy's hand, always say thank you, and don't eat any candy until daddy checks it!"

Tenya raises up, ruffling Katsuki's hair in praise.

"Superb! You remembered them all, very good!" He plucks his glasses from Katsuki's face and the blonde giggles, clapping faux-pawed hands in celebratory fashion. He's super excited about tonight, after all, and is so happy that his daddy is able to take him this year. Last year, they didn't get to celebrate at all even though this  is Katsuki's most favorite time of the year.

"Good boy, kitty. You've got everything you need?"

"Yes, daddy."

"You've got your bag?"


"Your costume is completely on?"


"And your---"

"Daddy!" The little blonde fluff huffs in exasperation as Shouto continues to list off things that Katsuki probably wouldn't even need for the night. The duo-quirked teen chuckles and smiles apologetically, knowing very well that he has the tendency to be a bit...overbearing...when it comes to his boy.

"Sorry, lovely. We can leave just as soon as Eijirou and Izuku come down."

Katsuki hops down from the table, bouncing around and singing 'trick or treat!' excitedly  as the tail of his costume swings around wildly.

He looks just like a happy little pup.

To say that Katsuki's costume choice had shocked Shouto would be an understatement. He had been so sure that Katsuki would want to be All Might for Halloween that he'd bought all three All Might costumes in advance---one for each era---but two weeks before  Halloween had arrived, he told Shouto he wanted to be a wolf-man.

"You mean a werewolf, darling?" He had asked, to which Katsuki had fussily told him, "No, daddy, a wolf man!"

Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean, he was unsure.

He was at a complete loss on how to even begin to search for a costume like that, but per usual Yaomomo and Izuku were around to save him the headache.

Katsuki was pleased with the results.

But he also requested that Shouto and the others wear costumes, too.

As unoriginal as it was, Shouto was dressed as a vampire. Kaminari and Sero made fun of him, but Katsuki had told him that he looked very handsome so he wore it with pride. Kaminari himself was dressed in an oversized Pikachu jumper complete with ears and jagged tail, red circles painted onto his cheeks and Sero was apparently---

Shouto snorts so hard in laughter that is hurts.

"Are you...are you Ash Ketchum?"

"Finally, somebody gets it!" Sero cries out, clutching around the Poké ball in his hand. Shouto is laughing so hard that his face begins to turn red, body shaking as he tries---and fails---to hide his laughter behind his cape.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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