Chapter 7

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My friends Sandra and Alia ran up to congratulate me, huge smiles on their faces. Alia got to me first and threw her arms around me.

"I can't believe you were blessed by the moon goddess." She beamed at me and Sandra joined in on the hug.

One of my best guy friends and my partner when fighting in wolf school came up to congratulate us. He shook Williams hand, saying his congratulations but when he got to me he lifted me into a hug, "Congratulations." He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks Frank." I hugged him back, smiling.

There was a soft low growl from William and Frank set me down quickly. Wiliam reached and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me back against his chest, "mine," he whispered so only the five of us could hear. His eyes were bordering on black, his wolf. Alia gaped at William and I leaned back against his chest, finding comfort in his possesive nature. Sandra grinned and whispered something about my mark into Alia's ear.

"Lets go inside William. Its time for bed." I started to pull him into the house and his eyes were still bordering black. When we were in the doors I pulled him to me, "I'll always be yours." He held me tightly and growled. "What is it?"

"I'm just selfish. I don't know what's up with me. I've never been jealous like that before." He rested his face in the nape of my neck.

"Let's just go up to bed okay?" I smiled at him and he nodded following slowly behind me up the stairs.

The next morning we woke up late in the day, lunch time almost. William had his arm around my waist, holding me tightly against him. I remembered last night when he'd done the same thing just in a possessive matter.

I turned in his arms and kissed his cheek, "William." I whispered. He groaned in response to me waking him, "Let go of me so I can go shower." He whined and let me go reluctantly.

I got up and headed for the shower, longing for the warm water and the how're head pounding water on my tense back. I shut the door and turned on the water, taking off my clothes, and stepping up the hot water. My wolf whined that it was too hot but it felt amazing on my skin.

Once out of the shower I changed into a loose black romper with spaghetti strapped sleeves. As I walked out of the closet William was getting up out of bed. He smiled at me and then saw my clothing and frowned.

"Why don't you wear something warmer Aura?" He came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "It's October Aura." He moved his hands down my arms.

"I wore a short dress yesterday and you didn't say anything." I turned to go to the kitchen.

"Well, but-" but he was at a loss for words.

"Go shower William. Then meet me downstairs, we can do some training." I winked at him and ran down to the kitchen.

Alia was standing in front of the fridge, looking at food. Loretta noticed and huffed "Alia, pick something or close the fridge please."

I grinned and walked over to grab the milk. "Where's William?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Taking a shower, he's a big boy and can take care of himself." I went into the pantry and got out some frosted flakes, pouring them in a bowl.

"Loretta I know your making dinner but will you make something up for William when he gets down here." I kissed her cheek and walked into the dining room, hollering my thanks after me. My parents sat at there usual spots at the table. Kony and some other trusted pack members sat around the table.

My father was discussing some stuff with them so I took a seat at the end of their table, listening to the conversation. I wanted to listen but couldn't concentrate on any of it, too much political stuff.

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