CHAP 2:Flashback

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Alisha POV

"The water was magnificent and oh how she loved the water, "Alisha thought to herself. Since she was a little cub, her father would take her swimming in the river beside their house. They would play tag and swim for hours. Mum would come and play with them too. Father would coax her to leave the household chores so that they could do them together later. She would make them sandwiches and bring them to the river where they would picnic and spend the whole day together. Alisha couldn't remember anyone else disturbing their trio since she was a baby.

Every few weeks, her father would take the vegetables that they planted and the wooden crockery that he had made and sell them at the nearest market. He never took Alisha along as he was worried that his pack would find him on one of these sojourns and that would be the end of him. Every time he left, her mother would sit by the window praying to the Moon Goddess to keep him safe and sound and let him come back to her. The whole day would pass with the both of them feeling like they were sitting on the edge of their seats hoping to hear the sounds of footsteps denoting that her father had come back from his trips to the village.

He never forgot to get Alisha something from these trips. She loved the little curios he would bring back for her. She and her father would make up stories about each and every one of them and then they would put on shows to entertain her mother

Alisha's father was a rogue wolf. He had run away from his pack when they found out that his mate was a human. The alpha of the Black Raven pack hated humans. He felt that wolves were a superior race and humans inferior to them.
Alpha Thomas was shocked to find out that his beta had a human mate. He would rather sentence his beta to a lifetime of loneliness than allow him to mate with the lowly human. Alpha Thomas hatched a devious plan to put an end to the abominable pairing. He sent a group of assassins wolves to kill the woman while his beta was busy

Alisha's father, Lawrence, could not imagine not living his life beside his human mate. Thankfully, there were a few people who were sympathetic to his plight and divulged the evil Alpha's plan to assassinate his mate. Lawrence could not believe that his Alpha would do such a thing to him. He had served his alpha faithfully for the last twenty-four years yet there was not one ounce of mercy shown to him.

Lawrence killed the assassins as they attacked his mate. He then convinced her to follow him into the woods where they spent the next few years hiding from the Black Raven pack and his wicked alpha.
According to the Black Raven's wolf council, no human was good enough to mate with a wolf. An alliance like that was considered a sin against the Moon Goddess herself. Alpha Thomas paid off many in the Wolf council so that they would vote along with him. Lawrence was excommunicated and made a rogue. Alpha Thomas also passed a decree that the wolves must kill both Lawrence and his mate on sight.

Alisha was so glad that her father didn't listen to the wolf council and defied the orders of the Black Raven's alpha. Her father and mother left the pack and everyone he had grown up with to live by themselves in the forest. Lawrence smiled every time he told Alisha this story ending it with her favourite statement. Life as a rogue is better than a life without one's mate.

They had been so happy for many years. Hidden deep in the forest where not many people ventured. It was just the three of them, living a happy albeit simple life together. Lawrence had built a cabin in the woods camouflaged from the outside world where they lived together in peace.No one disturbed them as no one knew they were there.

Alisha and her parents thought that they were finally safe as they had not heard any news of the Alpha and his pack. Alisha had lived fourteen years of her life making friends with the animals and the birds of the forest.
This idyllic existence came to an end suddenly one day when the members of her father's pack found them. Father has gone complacent after many years of not being found. He didn't check the perimeter very often so he didn't know that his defences had been breached. He didn't think that the Black Ravens would still be searching for him. Lawrence didn't realise Alpha Thomas would take his running away as a personal betrayal and vowed retribution.

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