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/One Little String – Jule Vera\

Lost in the city with a mess in between
So far away

Audrey looked down at her phone for about the fifth time that day. She hadn't heard from her boyfriend in a couple days, and it was starting to annoy her. Touring was tough, and every time he went away with his band she knew she would have to readjust. The first few days were the worst. They had to get into the proper swing of things, and there was hardly any free time. That often left Audrey on her own for a good week before she'd hear much from Ruki.

Of course, she still got a nice little 'goodnight' message from him each night. But due to the time difference, she sometimes wouldn't actually see it before she went to sleep, and by morning he would be too busy to talk. Knowing how much his career meant to him, she really did understand that it was just part of being with a musician.

Towers so tall, no sky to be seen
Can't find your way

That's why she was in Shibuya today. Desperate for a distraction, she'd hoped to find something special for his homecoming. Nearly three month without him deserved a special surprise and she knew exactly what she was planning. She'd already bought a brand new lace lingerie set, which was currently in one of the bags she was carrying. Along with some ingredients for his favorite dinner, she was fully prepared. Now he just needed to message her...she had no idea when he was due to return home tonight. She did briefly consider asking one of the other members, but if Ruki was busy then the others surely were as well.

Oh, if you forget
If you forget who you are, baby

When she was first introduced to him through her friendship with Uruha, she honestly never thought they'd work together. He was a fairly grumpy guy who never really spoke unless it was needed. He barely took an interest in conversation with her, but focused hard on his work.

She did find him a bit mysterious, as the others swore he was the nicest guy. But in those first few days, she really just didn't see it. It wasn't until the third time she visited Uruha at the studio that she'd seen the change.

You got one little string around your little finger
In case you forget, it's the way to remember
When you get lost, go back and just follow
Cause love is a maze and I'm broken hearted here

Walking into the room, she was greeted with the usual 'good mornings' and 'hellos'. Smiling as she waved to the group, Audrey walked over to Uruha and handed him the coffee. She hadn't really expected the full band to be there today. It was Uruha's turn to record for their next album, and she was planning on being here for emotional support (and to peek at the new material).

"Sorry, if I knew you'd all be here I would have grabbed coffee for everyone." Audrey smiled as she sat down. Uruha chuckled at her and sipped his drink.

Boy, you know better, don't be running away
I see where you are

"There was a bit of a change to the song we're doing today, so everyone is going to be here to fix up a few things. Ruki is just finishing up in the booth." Audrey nodded quietly and sighed. No matter how hard she'd tried, she just couldn't seem to get Ruki to even like her. He barely even looked at her most of the time. "Oh, speaking of which..." Audrey looked back over at his friend as he chuckled under his breath. "Apparently, Ruki thought we were dating...isn't that silly?"

So stop, stop your hiding, won't you come out and play
Stay with me, here in my arms

Audrey blinked and smiled a bit. Did he really think that? "I'm sure you set him straight on how I would never date you." Audrey laughed as she playfully teased her best friend. She supposed it wasn't much of a stretch to assume they would be together, with how close they had become. But they'd known each other since childhood and the idea of any kind of romantic intimacy with Uruha felt unnatural. It just would never happen. He was her big brother in a way.

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