Chapter 1-The Concert

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Kendall's POV:

It was about half way into the concert. Ed sheeran has always been my favorite. His music is so unique and real and no other artist can be compared to him.

Anyways, he was telling us all to put our arms around the person next to us that we didn't know, and sway back and fourth through out the song. I came with my best friend Rylan. she was on my left.

Her and I were so mesmerized by the amazing performance in front of us that I didn't really bother to look at the people around me before now.

So, me just being the friendly, outgoing and super weird person I am, I automatically threw my arm around a really tall and muscular guy on my right.

I look up to see his face, and it was for sure not who I was expecting. "oh, hello love! My names Harry, and You?"

he says in a deep voice with a thick english accent to totally die for. I didn't register who it was until it all clicked. Holy shit. Stay cool. So many things are running through my mind. what should I say? Should I tell rylan? Tell him 'oh trust me I know who you are. I blog about you, nipple boy.' god I hate life. "oh.. Hey! I'm Kendall. Nice to meet you" i said with a bright smile. He returned the smile with a wink and went on with listening to the music and swaying side to side. Good thing i didn't say something stupid because I usually don't think before I speak. Very, very bad habit of mine.

But he probably realized I was a bit taken back and knew who he was, especially after I looked passed him, only to find his friends Louis and Niall...

o..... o ok.

Is the rest of one direction and other people I admire just going to fall out of the ceiling next?

Jesus take the wheel...!


Hey guys! This is my first time writing a fan fic ever so please just bear with me haha.

I have a lot of great ideas in mind for HHH so don't leave me!

I apologize if this chapter dragged out a bit. I just wanted to quickly introduce who some of the main characters are.

I'm really sick and have no life so I'll be uploading tons more chapters right now. Thanks for reading my brothaz and sistaz.


go ahead and read my bio and stuff so you can learn a bit about me and know a bit more about the book and other annoying pointless stuff.


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