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Logan's POV

The cold and dark dining hall was mostly empty. Apart from the elongated dark wood table and chairs with tall backs to them. The cold was something I didn't mind. A soothing feel to me somehow. However, the human butlers and household staff would disagree. They couldn't walk a straight line without shivering or making that weird noise with their teeth.

I resisted the urge to growl as one of them drew open a set of drapes. The light of midday beaming into the blackness of the hall.
This was something they did whenever Father was here.

Like clockwork, the staff wheeled in carts of food on silver platters. Setting the first dish, and utensils in front of Father's seat. Opposite of mine, as we were seated at either ends of the table.

Typical. Serve the human first. They should know better than to have me wait. This isn't even his house.

The second dish was brought to me, only by someone unfamiliar to me. The scent of her perfume caught my attention, as she neared. That, and her inability to stop shaking as she set a wine glass and utensils down. To the best of her ability, which ended up being kinda sloppy, but I didn't care. I eyed her curiously, not knowing if it was the cold that bothered her.

...Or me.

A smirk tugged at the corner of my lip as I thought of something.

Only one way to find out.

She turned to grab the platter from the cart. Hands shaking still as she tried to place it as gently as able. Onto the table. I took in a small breath, releasing a thunder from my throat that had her jumping back. Taking the platter with her. Her fast movements made her trip over herself. Causing her to fall with a loud thud, and an even louder clank of the platter hitting the floor. The silver cover to it came off, revealing what would have been a glorious meal.

A beautiful roast cooked to the bronze.


"I'm s-so s-sorry milord!" The frightened cook planted her face on the floor. In some sort of groveling position. "Please forgive me. It won't ever happen again. I swear".

So she is afraid of me... I suppose I already knew that. Humans are all the same around me. Nervous, sweaty, and ready to bolt at a moment's notice. But this one chose to grovel instead. A little disappointing. I was hoping for more of a reaction.

I stood up from my seat; to retrieve a bottle of wine from the cart. Ignoring the sound of her begging. The human girl remained in the same position with her face to the floor. As I pour the wine into a glass. I greedily gulped down the liquid that left my mouth with a chocolatey aftertaste.

It's... delicious, but also odd. I don't remember my cellar having wine like this.

"Stand up". I turn my attention back to the human female cook. Having doused the fire behind my tongue. A hint of white smoke seeping through my lips as I spoke. The girl obediently stood at my command. As if I cracked a whip, she jolted at the sound of my voice. Even though there was no hardness in my tone, or anger for that matter. I was calm. ...Perhaps it was the result of the wine.

A whimper fell from her lips. Her bottom lip trembled as she held her hands in front of her. Keeping her gaze to the floor in shame. Another whimper escaped her lips. She quickly covered her mouth after the sound left it. My brows creased together as she took a step back.

This was the thing I hated most. Humans couldn't respect me enough to look me in the eye.

"What's your name?" I ask her, trying not to sound as irritated.

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