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"Mother, tell me now". I start to say once we're alone again. "Did you force her to say those things?"

"I would never do such a thing". She swore, crossing her arms over her chest as if I offended her. "The Lady Aria and her family came here willingly. Wanting to meet you".

"Based on an arrangement you and Father made without my knowing". I narrowed my eyes at her, crossing my arms over my chest. "Aria and her family must know of my reputation. People as far out as Satdna have heard of me, Mother. Wherever could she have gotten the idea that I'm some kind of God in human form".

Mother uncrossed her arms with a heavy, defeated sigh. "The place where Aria comes from is a land that's almost completely barren. There are no young men eligible enough to marry her. Without heirs the Xiang's face the end of their respectable name. Just as your father and I fear ourselves. The end of our family name, if there are no future heirs". Mother explained, as her mood fell into a depressed state.

A shiver ran down my spine. Children?

"It's not the end of the world…" I mutter, turning away from her to face the window.

Almost as quick as the mood fell, it was brought back by the booming voice of an intruder.

"There you are Nephew!" The doors to my study flew open as a middle-aged man with short silvered hair and wearing a dark red suit stepped in. He had a face similar to Father's and the same silver-blue eyes too. A smile stretched across his features. Showing wrinkles in the corner's of his eyes and mouth.

"Uncle Habir". I greeted him with the same grin as we both open our arms. He pulled me into a hug, patting my back.

I hugged as gently, not wanting to crush my uncle's old human bones. It was the same way I embraced all my human family members. No squeeze, no return patting, no fast movements.

The serpent ones like me, well... we did things a little more aggressively. Sometimes too aggressive.

"You got so big since last I saw you". Habir chuckled gruffly, patting my shoulder as he pulled back. He turns to Mother acknowledging her with a bow. The warm smile never leaving his face as he addressed her by title.

"Duke". Mother acknowledges him in return with a bow of her own. "So good of you to come. Logan has some wonderful news to share". She grins, a glint of mischief in her eye as she glances my way.

"I already heard from Abbar". Habir grins proud as he looks back at me. "I'm so happy for you my boy!" His voice booms yet again as he holds a hand over his chest with a hearty chuckle. "Oh I'm going to have grand-nephew's yet!" He shuffles his palms together in a scheming sort of way. "She's a gem isn't she. Let's hope the kids inherit her looks".

I bit my lip as my mood fell once again. Damn… Uncle's in this too. I should've known… why did I ever think he'd say otherwise.

Then it dawned on me.

… Did he just call me ugly?

"Oh shush Habir". Went Mother. "They'll be married before we know it. Plenty of time to worry about heirs later".

That word again…

"I'm sorry to disappoint you both". I stood straight, my tone serious and stern. "I will not be taking a wife".

Two hard glares turned on me. However, their looks did nothing to change my mind.

"Logan". Mother hisses. The sound alerting my ears a little. As if I were being challenged by another serpent.

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