Chapter 1

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Mrs. Sweeter walked to the principal's office. She held a stack of books tight to her chest. She politely knocked. When no one answered, she stuck her head at the door.

Mrs. Sweeter: Mr? Where are you?

She heard loud but quiet footsteps. A tall guy with a black hoodie appeared. He was climbing a ladder and appeared to be getting a thick, red book.

Mrs. Sweeter: Excuse me! Do you know where the principal is?

The tall guy gazed at her, and she saw his eyes were covered by his bangs and shadows. He had a straight face and didn't show that much feeling when he saw her. He sat on the chair behind his desk, and Mrs. Sweeter sat on the chair in front of it.

Tall guy: What do you mean? He's right in front of you.

Mrs. Sweeter looked around for a moment, and laughed.

Mrs. Sweeter: Oh, Tim, you are so funny!

Tall guy: I'm not Tim.

She froze.

Mrs. Sweeter: You're not?

Tall guy: Allow me to introduce myself, Ma'am. I am Mr. Summoner. I am the principal here.

Mrs. Sweeter: Really? How wonderful to meet you! I'm Maddie Sweeter, and I wish for my daughter to participate this school year.

Mr. Sum had a sorta shocked face.

Mr. Sum: Are you kidding me?! Almost everyone stopped going here because they want to go to a fancy prep school. Compared to this, it makes the structure of this place look like trash!

Mrs. Sweeter: That is sad. But who has stayed?

Mr. Sum: Two people who barely speak, and some girl named Dolores.

Mrs. Sweeter: Dolores? Never heard of her.

Mr. Sum lowered his voice to a whisper.

Mr. Sum: Yes, almost no one talks about her to other people. Dolores is a very pretty and rich girl, but if you're not her friend, she'd sway to a couple of dances and eventually hypnotise you. Her clothes make people even more confused! You'd forget she'd even existed. Those who are her friends have the same hypnotic clothing and drink that mysterious, pink liquid Dolores keeps in her locker. If you ever visit her by accident, happen to wear sunglasses like she does. Oh, and her voice can hurt, so wear earbuds.

Mrs. Sweeter: I would tell my child—teen—that. Anyway, do you know who she is?

Mr. Sum: Amy Sweeter, right? I've read her bio, and I figured she would get used to this sloppy muck. Heard that she was sweet, friendly, and childish.

Mrs. Sweeter: Yes, yes! She has a sweet tooth for candy, too! Might be some useful information. These are her books.

She placed her stack on the desk, full of subjects everyone needs to learn. (Ex: English, Math, Science...)

Mr. Sum: I guess your child—teen—can stay here for this year. But first, show proof that you are worthy. Show me your passport.

Mrs. Sweeter: The passport?

Mr. Sum: Yes, to prove you are worthy of controlling magic, light or dark.

Mrs. Sweeter looked into her colorful purse and placed the things in front of her: a candy jar, a candy pen, her candy wallet, a small extra pair of clothes, a pink flashlight, a bunny plushie keychain, and finally, a little notebook with a big wand logo in front of it. She pushed the notebook farther than the others.

Mrs. Sweeter: Sorry, I'm a little messy, like my daughter.

Mr. Sum: It's fine.

Then she felt around her neck for her necklace, which can get lost sometimes.

Her eyes (or hands) stopped at the bright, pink jewel.

Mr. Sum: Pink Diamond. Or is it Rose Quartz?

Mrs. Sweeter: Um, Quartz.

She lifted the jewel chained to the necklace and chanted the words:

"You are not like the others,

You are truly a star,

Work your magic,

To show how unique you are."

A pair of wings rose behind her (pink wings with candy on top, with an extra hint of sugar, so they were basically cookie wings) and she glittered (obviously pink). Her short, brown hair turned pink.

Mr. Sum: (thinking) Truly pink is her color.

Mrs. Sweeter: Now do you believe I can handle magic?

Mr. Sum: Certainly. Shall I send my convertible to pick your daughter up on Thursday?

Mrs. Sweeter: You are too kind, but I think I can drive her here. It's not that far after all.

Mr. Sum shrugged.

Mr. Sum: Whatever you say. I am not you.

**** :D ****

That night, Mrs. Sweeter knocked on the door of her daughter's room. She opened it and the sound of bells came.

Mrs. Sweeter: I'm ho-ome!

Amy was dressed in a cute ribbon-y nightgown and had pink hair. Her pink glasses and cat sticker on her face matched her whole outfit.

Amy: What's for dinner?

Mrs. Sweeter: We have chicken nuggets.

Amy: Cooooooolllllll!!! I love chicken nuggets!

Mrs. Sweeter: With extra sugar!

Amy: Yum! Anyway, where were you?

Mrs. Sweeter: You told me you wanted to try out in your old school.

Amy: And...?

Mrs. Sweeter frowned.

Mrs. Sweeter: All your friends are gone.

Amy: WHAT! No way! They promised I will be in the same school as them! I didn't know they all left Bene Eamus ('Okay, let's go/let's well' in English) Middle School!

Mrs. Sweeter: Don't worry, Amy! There will be new students! I'm sure you'll make some friends!

After eating dinner and going to sleep, Amy had a dream. Her mom said the same thing over and over again.

Mrs. Sweeter: I'm sure you'll make some friends! I'm sure you'll make some friends! I'm sure you'll make some friends! I'm sure you'll make some friends!

She kept hearing the voices in her head until she realised her mom was not saying 'friends' but rather, 'enemies'.

Mrs. Sweeter: Sadly, you will make some enemies.


Amy suddenly woke up.

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