Chapter 6

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T. Jullian: Class, today is a half-day at school. Your classes will be announced at the end of the day. In the meantime, you'll have early lunch. The cafeteria is serving food, but if you brought packed luncheons, I suppose you can eat that too.

Amy heard another sound. It was a hum of another song. 'Rewrite the Stars'. Next was 'Ideal World' (wantaways). Then 'Get You Closer' and 'Heaven Only Knows'. Finally, 'Tell Me'.

The more she heard the sounds, the more she thought they were trying to talk to her.

Amy: (thinking) What? Tell you what?

She followed the capital letters and they said R-I-G-H-T.


Oh. For the teacher.

Rachel: So, teacher, I brought, like, a big burger, with some long slices of mac 'n' cheese with an extra hint of ham. Would that be okay?

T. Jullian: Yes, Rachel.

Quintos: (whispering) You don't seem like the Rachel I know.

Rachel: (whispering) Hey, this guy believes me! I can sneak some french fries and chips in the middle of the loaves of bread.

T. Jullian: Rachel, quiet down.

She didn't seem to notice.

Rachel: (still whispering, but a little louder) So, do you like my dress? It's from H&M and the one who's in charge of the dressing room said that it compliments my blue eyes. My mom bought more of this, but different designs.

T. Jullian: Rachel.

Everyone was staring at her.

Rachel: (to Quintos) I can't believe everyone else is still using a backpack. We all know that purses and messenger bags are better.

T. Jullian: Rachel, LISTEN TO ME.

His voice was a raging dog again, but a few people recognised a bulldog.

Rachel: Ugh, okaaaaayyyyy. And don't you think my dress is cute?

T. Jullian: It's fine, but if you do this again, I'm afraid you'll get detention.

Rachel: Pfft, afraid? As if!

Amy: (thinking) As if? Why is she so rude?

T. Jullian: Anyway, class, you're dismissed with lunch. For now. But don't forget to come back here to find out the results.


"Get yer food, y'all! Yee ha!"

The cafeteria guy, Mr. Fedora, stared at Izzi like she was a huge pimple.

Mr. Fedora: Newbie, huh?

Izzi: Yeah. So you're the guy who cooks and stuff?

Mr. Fedora: Oh-ho-ho! Ay don't cook here! She does!

He pointed his large spoon at Amy, who happened to be beside her. She blinked twice, probably confused.

Izzi: (to Amy) You cook?

Amy: Well, technically, I like to play chef at my house. Mr. Fedora here likes to think I work here. But nah.

Izzi: Mr who now?

Mr. Fedora: Mease-ter hoo now?

Amy: We don't really cook. We

She pointed to a machine. It can simulate what type of food someone would eat. What it says gets printed out in a rectangular-shaped hole with a plate below it.

Izzi: That is so amazing!

Amy: All you have to do is pull a lever and give the machine what you think it wants before it can give you what it thinks it wants.

Izzi pulled on one of the levers. The screen of the machine lighted up.

Machine: Bananas.

Izzi: Ba-na-na.

Machine: On a tree. The ripest and juiciest one. Make that two.

Izzi: Any tree?

Machine: The tree with the lightest brown bark. Lighter the color, fresher the fruit.

Izzi: Cool.

Amy: Guess what, Izzi! It wouldn't be that hard to find that one special tree. There are only a few of them. And do you know why the machine is asking for it?

Izzi: No. Why?

Amy: The machine chooses a random ingredient that will be added to your food. C'mon, let's find the bananas!

Izzi: Ba-na-na.

The two headed out of the cafeteria and out the school and into the forest of a few trees.

Amy: Ok, there are only 3 banana trees. Hopefully, this would be easy.

Izzi: HOPEfully.

Amy: There they are!

3 trees stood on the ground proudly. The first one was *insert name of shade* brown, the second one was *insert name of shade* brown, and the third one was *insert name of shade* brown.

Amy: Third one! Here we go...hey, do you know how to climb or something?

Izzi: Sure. Sports is my thing. The secret to climbing is...

As Izzi explained how to do it, she followed her own instructions like a pro.

Izzi: Think like a monkey, punch like a burger.

Amy: Burger?

Izzi: Sorry, I'm hungry! Ah, gotcha! You two are mine. And soon I will eat you like you are the best things ever.

Amy: Yes!

They marched back to the school and back to the cafeteria to give the bananas to the machine.

Izzi: Here ya go. But of course, I will do the honours.

Machine: Generating meal, scanning human...

Izzi: You are?

Machine: You are sporty and need energy. You need meat.

Izzi: Darn right I do!

Machine: will have a turquoise turkey with lettuce bits and creamy banana mustard. Since you like sports, your meal will be in the shape of an American football.

Izzi: You are so cool!


The meal had been printed out and matched the description of the machine. Izzi grinned and turned to Amy.

Izzi: You should get your lunch too. Meet me at the storage closet!

Amy: Sure, but why the storage closet?


Mr. Fedora: Your friend has forgotten her drink?

Amy: Yep.

Mr. Fedora: I have prepared her turquoise juice that tastes like turquoise!

Amy: I honestly don't get what you are saying.

Mr. Fedora: Sure, she's new here. Want to get your usual?

Amy: Usual? Oh, yes, I do.

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