Chapter 1

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Angel was only minding his own business. He most definitely wasn't spying on Lucifer who had come to visit the Happy Hotel to see how his daughters 'ridiculous' experiment was going. It was clear Lucifer did not agree with his daughters choice as he looked around in disgust. Angel was offended. He had offered tips to Charlie on how to make demons more comfortable around here (unfortunately, she did not add the sex dungeon but Angel wasnt surprised at that). So seeing the King of Hell disapprove of something he had helped with, it was utterly insulting.

He didn't notice the demon in red who stood beside him in the open, making Angel more noticable as they stared at the Spider Demon. Wondering if there was seriously wrong with him.

"As much as I dont care, I am curious on what you're doing! Now, explain to me using that simple brain of yours what you are doing!"

Angel lost his balance and fell on the ground face first. He laid there for a bit with his butt stuck up in the air, contemplating if he even wanted to move. Though, he knew he wouldn't be able to escape the Radio Demons clutches. So he sat up with a groan and turned towards Alastor. For some reason, their face was red and they were looking off into the distance. Why? Angel Dust had no clue and would most likely never find out.

"Uh... you know! The norm!!!" Angel chuckled awkwardly, standing up before leaning against the wall, grin slipping back onto his face. "Why~ you need me for something~?". Alastors curiosity was replaced with disgust as he took a step away from Angel.

"Why! I believe a limbless orphan would be more help than you!" Angel winced at that. Alastor was a prick. A hot one at that. Wait no, Angel cut it out. He cursed internally and was about to come up with a reply; that was no doubt stupid. But was interrupted by another person.

"Why, is that Alastor I see?" Both Angel's and Alastors heard turned toward the new voice, only to see the King of Hell himself standing there. In one hand, his staff with an apple was clutched, and his other arm was tucked safely behind his back. Alastor sneered at Lucifer who paid no mind to him. Instead, Lucifers gaze turned towards Angel, which filled with recognition instantly. "And I believe this is the Famous Porn Star! One of the most popular actors in adult films down here in hell!" Lucifer looked up and down Angel's Body, who pushed down the shivers threatening to wreck his body as those eyes held a sore of hunger in them.

"My, and your beauty truely lives up to the rumours" Lucifer purred. Angel Dust turned red instantly. Usually he would be able to retaliate with a reply, but he was left speechless as the King of Hell flirted with him. Who could say that this happened to them on a normal occurence? No one but Lilith most likely. It was shocking.

"Why! As much as I would love to stand around watching this disgusting interaction! I actually needed Angel Dust for something so if you can excuse me!" Alastors hand wrapped around one of Angel's thin ones as he roughly tugged the Porn Star along with him.

Before they turned a corner, Angel dust looked back at Lucifer and mouthed 'call me!!!' Whilst blowing a kiss and winking. Lucifers laughter echoed through the halls as he pretended to catch the kiss and place it on his own lips.

Alastor finally made it to Angel's room before he opened the door and pushed the pornstar inside.

"Now, you are going to be staying here until that brute has left! I cannot have you tarnishing the Hotel by sleeping with that ridiculous fellow!" Alastor snapped. Angel would have thought it was jealousy if he hadn't known better. What did Alastor have to be jealous of anyway? He hated Angel's guts and spent every moment with him, insulting him. Angel frowned, he wasn't going to let the other push him around like this.

"What Lucifer never leaves? That mean I'm gonna stay in here for the rest of my life? Huh?!" Angel was angry on the outside but grinning on the inside. He had out smarted the Deer Demon easily.

"Yes". Angel choked, eyes widening as he stared at Alastor in shock who looked dead serious. That stupid grin on his face was starting to annoy Angel to no ends. He took a step closer, poking Alastor on the chest

"Ya' ain't the boss of me toots! I'm my own person, and ya' can fuck right off if you think you can control me like this!" Angel snapped. His confidence died down in seconds as the room darkened and the shadows grew, seeming to move in the room as Alastors eyes turned to radio dials. Though Angel did not back down. As much as he was literally shaking like a leaf in his boots, he hated being pushed around by others who thought themselves superior.

"L-listen here you prick! This is my life and I can do what I want with it okay? S-so cut it out!!" He was scared shitless as the other seemed to tower over his cowering figure. But in seconds, everything turned to normal, except for the fact Alastors grin seemed more forced.

"Well, I shan't force you to stay in here. But stay away from him." Alastor ordered, face right infront of Angel's as he said that. But Angel could've sworn he saw Alastors eyes flicker down to his lips for a split second. But he couldnt tell. "Well good day to you! And heed my warning Angel" and with that, Alastor left, leaving Angel a confused mess.

Why was this happening to him, and why was his heart racing in his chest? Why did he want so badly for the Radio Demom to have closed the gaps between their faces and dominate him?

The thoughts left Angel breathless as he stumbled over to his bed.

Why was Lucifer showing interest in Angel, and why was Alastor so keen on making sure Angel didnt come in contact with Lucifer?

AH! SO HERE YOU GO! FIRST CHAPTER IS UP! I literally wrote this in like an hour so I aplogise if this seems rushed!
Lucifer clearly has shown interest in Angel, having watched his films before.
And Alastor is protective over Angel, but why?

Any how. Yes. Alastor was staring at Angel's butt.

AppleBerryDust (Lucifer x Alastor x Angel)Where stories live. Discover now