Chapter 2

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Alastor had spent the last week making sure Angel Dust and Lucifer were not in the same room. It had been a hard task, especially with the Arachnid being dead set on defying any orders from the Radio Demon. Threatening usually did the trick, but from time to time he'd have to actually teleport Angel Dust out of the room. It was exhausting.

He hadn't completely lied to Angel when he told the demon that he didn't want him to have intercourse with the King of Hell, but he also hadn't told the complete truth. His reasons were more personal, rather than not wanting to tarnish the hotel's reputation. In all honesty, he rarely cared about the Hotel itself, having originally appeared due to boredom and manipulating the Princess of Hell. Unfortunately, his plan had fallen apart after meeting Angel Dust. The ex-porn star who made it their life mission to annoy the ever-living (well, not living but as close as a demon could get to it) fuck out of Alastor. The spider was able to crawl under his skin and worm their way into Alastor's dead heart.

A significant amount of stress had built up, causing his patience to wear thin. Charlie, sweet, innocent, yet naive Charlie, had noticed his irritation and tasked him with going out to buy more groceries. Alastor had agreed almost immediately, wanting to have a break from the devilish hotel. Of course, it was torture. It was hell and this was the property of Charlie Magne, daughter of Lucifer himself.

So here he was, the smile on his face more relaxed as he made his way up the steps to the entrance of the hotel. The walk to the store had been quite fun, watching as demons' scrambled out of his way in fear. Shrieks of terror coming from all demons' who failed to move quick enough as his shadows grew distorted, tearing the insignificant demons' to bits. So yes, he was in a good mood. Two bags on his left forearm, his free hand turned the knob of the door so that he was able to walk in.

Alastors' grip tightened once he heard the sound of laughter echoing, coming directly from the Living Room. The soft giggles could've melted Alastors heart any other day. But not now. Not when he could also hear Lucifers' chuckles and chatter. Why did this spider never listen to him? At this point, Alastor would he getting grey hairs.

The doorknob crumbled to dust under Alastors' grip, who wiped any of the fine powder left on his gloves against the material on one of the stray chairs in the lobby, making a beeline to where he heard the voice.

Standing in the entrance of the living room, his eyes narrowed, witnessing as Lucifer placed a hand on Angel's lower back. Not rubbing, not suggesting anything, only laughing as Angel gushed on about a story. Alastor was able to make put the words 'turf war' and 'snake dude'. Unable to focus properly as the static in his ears grew louder until it was a painful ringing. It seemed only he could hear the sound as the Duo before himself didn't even glance in the direction of the red demon. This pissed him off even more.

Alastors heart fell to pieces as he watched them together, seeing Angel's eyes closed as laughter fell from his lips. Beautiful sounds that had never been the cause of Alastor own jokes. Taking in how Lucifer stared at Angel as though he didn't need anything other than the Arachnid. How Alastor knew what that look meant? Well, it was how he looked at Angel himself, every day. He knew what it felt like to fall for Angel Dust, knew how it felt to witness the Spider do absolutely anything. As he was always watching, even if it didn't seem like he was.

He had noticed how when nervous, Angel's tongue would run along the underside of his gold tooth as if to remind himself of his ex-boss. What their smile looked like when they held fat nuggets against his fluff, eyes full of love and adoration at the little creature he would hold in his pairs of arms. Alastor saw how giddy Angel Dust would get when in the kitchen, working as if he were a professional, knowing exactly what to do and how to do everything. Alastor observed so many things that the spider did.

He also noticed Angel leaning closer in towards Lucifer. Smile on his face beautiful but directed at the wrong person. Alastor wanted that smile only for himself.

"I'm back!" The radio demon made a show as if he'd only just shown up. Ever-present smile twitching as he struggled to hold such a large grin up. Angel jumped away from Lucifer, wide eyes staring back at red orbs. A nervous chuckle, cheeks flushed red, gnawing at his bottom lip. The taller demon was a sight to behold. "And it seems as though you disobeyed direct orders, Angel!" This brought a flinch from said Male.


"But do not worry! It has come to my attention that I shouldn't hold you back from walking around the hotel and conversing with others! Even if they happen to be the king of damnation himself! I apologise for any problems my rash decision had caused." Angel's mouth was agape, lashes fluttering as he took in the information. His brows furrowed, looking lost in the moment.

"Uh... thanks, Al... I guess?" The tension was cut immediately as Lucifer jumped up, a pleased and smug grin on that stupid face of his. His expression alone made Alastor regret his decision, wanting nothing more than to repeatedly punch that look off his face.

"That makes things much easier! At least I don't have to sneak in those visits anymore!" Alastor froze at that. His grin dying down into a closed-mouth smile. Though even that was a struggle to keep up. His left eye twitched, a crack resonating throughout the room. Angel had the decency to look guilty, staring at the ground as he shuffled on the spot. Lucifer didn't look fazed, a glint in his eyes as he took in Alastors reaction.

Alastor was beyond furious. How dare this devil come into the hotel and believe he could do anything he wanted? Alastor had already staked claim to this property, and here the King of Hell came along, acting as though he weren't here. How dare he. Lucifer not only was trying to claim everything Alastor has been working for, but also what was rightfully his. Angel Dust was his, and he hated sharing. Exhaling, Alastor turned to Lucifer, glowering at the shorter male.

"We need to talk." Without waiting for a reply, Alastor was already walking out of the room. He didn't have to turn to make sure the demon was following him. The bags vanished from his grip, disappearing and reappearing in the kitchen.

Once out of the room, Alastor slammed the butt of his cane on the ground, a snarl on his face as he turned to tower over Lucifer who looked everything but fazed. Their calm expression seemed to anger Alastor more as the lights around them flickered, markings appearing in the air as his voice grew more distorted.

"You may take what you want from this place. But I simply cannot allow you to take him."Alastor hissed, eyes radio dials at this point, black antlers growing larger and sharper.

"I'm afraid that simply cannot do! You see, Angel Dust has caught my attention. I don't plan on letting him go anytime soon so," lucifer took a step forward, gloved hand coming up at stab at Alastors chest harshly. His eyes glowed Ember, the hallway lit up by a mixture of Red and Gold. "If you want the flapper, you're going to have to woo him before me. You better be quick though, because if he'd sneak away from you to visit me, I believe it means I am in the lead." With that, Lucifer walked back into the living room.

The challenge in his words awoke something carnal inside him, hoarse grunts slipping from his throat as his body snapped back into place until he was in his normal form once again. The signals gone, as well as his antlers shrinking down to their normal size. A static laced chuckle pulsating throughout the air.

"It seems the game has begun."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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