When Will My Husband Return From War

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11:35 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot is typing...

11:36 MILO: Good luck on your exam!

11:40 Read ✔︎

13:35 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot is typing...

13:37 MILO: What're you doing tonight?

13:38 Read ✔︎

13:45 MILO: Leeeee D:

13:50 MILO: Sorry about this morning D:

13:51 MILO: I didn't want to cancel the date last minute like an asshole D:

13:53 MILO: I told her I'm seeing someone else

13:54 Read ✔︎

19:24 Call from Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot

19:25 Missed call from Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot

19:27 Milo is typing...

19:30 MILO: I messaged all of them

19:31 MILO: Image attached


18:45 ROLAND: Jesus Christ

18:48 LEE: What

18:49 ROLAND: Milo is getting emotional

18:49 ROLAND: This is not a drill I REPEAT NOT A DRILL

18:50 LEE: Why tho

18:52 ROLAND: Simon is cuddling with him

18:53 ROLAND: I think he's crying

18:54 ROLAND: Do you have Snapchat? I'll add you so I can send you a video of this.


Balls Deep 👊 added you!

19:02 Leon Me is typing...

19:03 LEE: Jesus Christ what is your username

19:04 BALLS: It seemed relevant at the time

19:04 Open video snap

— "Simon, you do it! I can't do it—"

— "We'll do it together, give me your hand."

— "NO! I can't do it!"

— "Don't make me physically restrain yo—PARK! Shit!"

— "Jesus Christ—"



— incomprehensible screaming, shaky escape camera work —


19:06 LEE: I'm—

19:06 LEE: Speechless

19:08 LEE: Roland??

19:09 BALLS: You added him on snapchat D:

19:09 Read ✔︎

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