A monologue of forgotten moments

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Riddick's POV: 

Looking at my little girl wrapped in my arms I remember the day her mother told me she was pregnant. I remember the panic of having a Furian baby. I remember the day she was born and her mother, my mate Talia, died giving birth to her. But the worst day I remember was the day she was taken from me, screaming in fear not understanding what was going on. Big fat tears running down her face as if a race. Reaching out to me as I was falling unconscious. That day will forever be ingrained in my memory as the day I thought I lost everything . 

Coming out of thought I looked to see the 'boy' Jack come in through the door and cautiously move towards me. As I held Charlie close I could see the worry practically dripping from 'him' as he held eye contact with Charlies sleeping form. When she got to the bed I could see the care in her eyes and patted the space beside me, sitting beside me with caution she asked " is she alright" nodding with a slight gruff I moved Charlie slightly showing her that she was asleep. Smiling at Charlie Jack reached out and gently rubbed her back making her open her eyes and smile a tired smile. "Jacky. Can I have a hug?" Smiling at her Jack looked to me making me now before I handed her over and as they were hugging I noticed that as Jack brushed the bandage on Charlies tummy that she got a dark look in her eye along with a small almost unbearable growl and pulled her closer. Seeing this makes me smile slightly, being who and what we are Charlie wouldn't have made a lot of friends where ever we go. But. By the look of things if I ever need Charlie protected on this God forsaken planet and I can't get to her. I'm sure Jack will look after her. 

She's my baby girl forever and always and if anyone ever tried to take her again I'll skin them alive and feed the to rats. She's my pup, my  little Charlie.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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