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I am not the original author of this story. I am simply placing this story on wattpad for people who do not like to use AO3. The original author is one of my favorite fanfic writers, scottmcniceass from AO3. The rest of the writing below this belongs to scottmcniceass. Enjoy!


Before we get into this, I would just like to give a bit of a warning of what you're going to find in this fic: drug use, alcohol use, swearing (a lot), sex, child abuse (mostly only mentioned, except for one occasion), instances of violence and a writer who is from Canada (despite my best efforts, there are going to be words or phrases used incorrectly given where this story takes place. I apologize in advance for that).

Disclaimer: I don't own/know/associate with One Direction in any way. This work is a piece of fiction, and I am not in any way implying that I know anything about the members of One Direction, their sexual orientations and/or their relationships.

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